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Seawolves RUN for the Run for the Wall

SEAWOLVES Run for the Run for the Wall

Question??? Do you have any plans for next May?

RFTW XX dates May 14 to May 25, 2008

The 20th Run for the Wall, (RFTW) is planned for May14 – 25th 2008, from LA to DC, with voluntary participation in Rolling Thunder XXI.

A group of Seawolves rides with RFTW. We would like to plan a “Seawolves Run for the Run for the Wall”. A group of us will depart New England on or about May 1st, 2008 along the northern route for Northern CA. Then turn south down the coast to LA.

We plan a slow easy ride across country picking up riders along the way to participate in the RFTW. We would plan to arrive in LA on about May 11th to permit servicing of the Bikes and rest before RFTW. We’ll meet up with Seawolves coming in from TX there.

Preliminary route would be across I-80 with stops and interesting diversions along the way, ending up in Northern CA, to link up with riders from the Northwest, WA, OR, ID, AK, etc.

We would plan to stop & visit with Seawolves or other folks and divert to any locations of interest along the way, hopefully picking up brother vets to ride along, either for a while or “all the way”.

Anyone interested in riding along is welcome, 2-3 or 4 wheelers. Anyone interested in driving in support would be most welcome. We could probably arrange a truck/van and trailer, or just a trailer. (One of our Seawolf riders has a trailer capable of a 2500 lb load or 2-3 bikes).

We would use the same general rules as RFTW, and are planning to do the Southern Route.

Anyone interested, please advise.

Anyone with suggestions for places to see and stay along the way, please advise.

Thanks – For more info on RFTW, please see (Run for the Wall Website) and (Run for the Wall – Southern Route Website)

Trying to plan early to lay out an interesting itinerary, places and people to visit and give folks interested in participating time to plan.

Thanks Guys
Rick Meussner