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Dark Whisper's Message Board

Greetings, Feel free to use this board to say hello to one another, show off your latest 3D models, worlds, ask questions, and announce new programs. Just please do not leave rude messages, and ruin it for everyone. Thanks, Kj

Dark Whisper's Message Board
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new in town

I have just learned of blaxxun through a pen-pal who I have been writing to for about a year. I finally am taking the plunge and am downloading blaxxun's software (dial up- taking forever). Anyway, my penpal suggested I look at your webpage and see what it's all about. I wanted to contact you but I don't have a hotmail (passport) account so I'll just say hey here. I'd like to add that while blaxxun is loading I read your poems kellyjo and I think you have a beautiful mind. Are you single? j/k. And to weena, HEY YOU PENPAL! I MADE IT!!

Re: new in town

I'm glad you like my work, and no, I'm not single. I hope you enjoy your time in VR. Cheers, Kj