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Greetings, Feel free to use this board to say hello to one another, show off your latest 3D models, worlds, ask questions, and announce new programs. Just please do not leave rude messages, and ruin it for everyone. Thanks, Kj

Dark Whisper's Message Board
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Making a 3D World, Blaxxun chat, etc.

Hi, Kelly...

Longtime fan of your site and your chat worlds, thanks for the time you put into both.

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction for setting up my own VRML world with chat capabilities. I don't want to launch an entire community (bleh!), but I'd like to set up a few worlds with friends that are linked together. Any tips? When I put my creation into the developer URL, none of my friends can see each other's avatars.

Thanks very much,

Re: Making a 3D World, Blaxxun chat, etc.

I just got back into town, and my mind is tired, but I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you.I'll burn you an email tomorrow regarding some information.I'm glad you like my work.