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Dark Whisper's Message Board

Greetings, Feel free to use this board to say hello to one another, show off your latest 3D models, worlds, ask questions, and announce new programs. Just please do not leave rude messages, and ruin it for everyone. Thanks, Kj

Dark Whisper's Message Board
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Re: Re: Hey!!

Hi Amy,

Thanks so much for your good wishes. In all honesty, I'm getting scared, but I am excited too. I hope all is going well for you. Please drop me a line and let me know how things are going for oyu and your little man.

Lots of love, Kelly

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Replying to:

Hi KJ! It's good to hear from you! Good luck with school - I definitely know how it goes! Hope you and yours are well!



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Replying to:

I just want to say hello to everyone. I sure miss you all. Hopefully soon I will get back to my 3D modeling. So many ideas and so little time right now. I'm about to start back to school as well. Full time for 12 weeks and I am so excited. I got a grant!! Woohoo!! So please be happy for me my friends. I want to thank everyone that is keeping my worlds open and visiting and participating in this forum too. Love to you all. I miss you. Kellyjo