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Dark Whisper's Message Board

Greetings, Feel free to use this board to say hello to one another, show off your latest 3D models, worlds, ask questions, and announce new programs. Just please do not leave rude messages, and ruin it for everyone. Thanks, Kj

Dark Whisper's Message Board
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Hi. My husband has enjoyed using AutoCad in ALL of his Bryce and Poser drawings for months. Problem is that the usegroup that he members don't really give a lot of feedback; making him wonder if he's talented. I think he is. I mean, some of his work doesn't "get" my interests as much as others, but I think he's got some really cool ideas. Would you possibly check out our website (art gallery page) and let me know what you think of his work? We'd really appreciate it.

If you think it sucks, write back here. If you think it's cool or okay, write those comments in our guestbook or forum. THANK YOU !!!

We'd also like to invite everyone to join our webring - which is located at the bottom of our site index page!
