school refusers

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School Refusal
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Hi everyone

Our week started well, the maths tutor came to our house and my son did really well with him, then we went downhill, my son didn't manage in to see the psychologist on Tuesday morning, or his english teacher on Tuesday afternoon, he also didn't go to his football training on Tuesday night, he had a maths exam today but didn't make that either..................... tomorrow he has an english exam and he has said that he will really try and get in for that, I know that he will try his hardest and I'm trying to stay positive, but sometimes it's hard...........

Take care everyone
Dorothy x

Re: update

Hi Dorothy,

Does your son take his exams in a quiet room away from others, or does he have to go into the class or exam hall?
We had to make special arrangements for my daughter, she now takes all her exams in a side room next to the reception area. The school have to supply an invigilator for her but if thats what our young ones need to enable them to take their important exams, then I feel the school should try to provide it.
I know its such a worry but don't forget our motto about education/exams - 'It doesn't have to be right here, right now'.
Good luck, he'll be fine.

Sue x