school refusers

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School Refusal
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Re: HELP! What's going on?

Hey Sarah T,

What a day you've had!

SATs, relish, ants .... does life get any better than this? tee hee.

Keep smiling!

Sue x

Re: HELP! What's going on?

Thought that would make you laugh Sue, and make that 2 glasses Penny.

Sarah xxxxx

Re: HELP! What's going on?

Hi Sarah

Yes my son told me yesterday, he said they texted each other quite a lot, didn't say much more and I didn't want to pry, but I think it's a good thing.

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: HELP! What's going on?


Well done to your daughter, sounds like she had a really good day.

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: HELP! What's going on?

Hi Penny,

If you think it may help, I'm happy to ask my daughter if she would 'chat' online etc with your daughter. She mentioned earlier that she's made friends with a girl recently who is also home tutored,I think they met on Twitter ?? My daughter tends to chat to people who like the same bands as her as she loves her music.
I'll understand if you'd rather not, its just a thought.
Happy to help.

Sue x

Re: HELP! What's going on?

Hi Dorothy

I did ask what they'd been chatting about but didn't really get a proper answer either apart from some ps3 game - and to fair it's their business really. I know they were texting this afternoon as he came to my office after his lesson. I think it will help them both - don't suppose you live in the Midlands ?

How long is it since your son has been to school and how old is he ?

Sarah xx

Re: HELP! What's going on?

Hi Sarah T

I live in Scotland. My son will be 15 in June, this all started when he started high school aged 12, he had been going in for some subjects and some times just going into support base. this last year he has hardly been in at all, maybe odd subject here and there, he started one to one tuition in school last september, 4 hours a week, but after school hours. He hasn't been in school at all now since middle of March.

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: HELP! What's going on?

Hi Dorothy

My son hasn't been in a classroom since July last year.He too started to refuse when he transfered to senior school - and after 12 months of not going my gp wrote a plan to get him back -and it worked so for about 6 months he went everyday no probs at all. After summer hols last year he went back first day really looking forward to it, but when he found classes had changed he couldn't cope, so he went in library part time. Unfortunately due to a breakdown in communication that has broken down and not been into school since Feb. My son's father lives in Scotland but he doesn't understand SR !!
He will be 14 in June.
Anyway lets hope they keep up communcations

Take care

Sarah xx

Re: HELP! What's going on?

Sue, thanks for the offer. At the moment I would probably be accused of interfering. I'll wait until thing settle a little. She has an appointment tommorow afternoon with Camhs. She had a good day at school all day so now thats two dayss in a row and then guess what? Bl**dy inset day tommorow.

Hope everyone has had a good day,

Penny x

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