school refusers

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School Refusal
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Taking Action

Sarah asked in another section if anyone had contacted the Minister of Education to raise awareness of the issue. It appears that no one has, but some felt that perhaps we need to raise the profile of School Refusal.

I have started this topic in an attempt to try to bring together some of our thoughts on this.

So: 'What do we want?' 'When do we want it?'

More seriously, do we have any idea of the scale of the issue? Do we have any evidence about the long term problems? What would we need to bring together to make a case? And what are we asking for?

I have considered, as a first step trying to attract the interest of a journalist. Partly because I cannot answer the questions above, I have taken it no further. And also partly because I am not sure which journalist to approach.

Any thoughts?

Re: Taking Action

Simon what a brilliant starting point. The Sunday Guardian wrote an article on it about 18 months ago, and there has been the odd case reported with parents under the threat of prosecution but nothing more.

Not so long ago GMTV Dr Hilary Jones mentioned school phobia but this was in conjunction with something else so no real weight behind it.

Statistics show that between 1 - 5% of school aged children refuse at one time or another, but not sure how many are just odd days i don't think they have reported stats for this as authorised absences include illness authorised hols etc. as well as SR

What I would like out of this is for SR to be recognised as genuine rather than a truany or naughty child. I would like to see more support from the authorities and not be threatened with prosecution because my son cannot go to school. I don't want to have to fight for everything - this alone causes stress to the whole family and for new families to SR to be assured they are not alone.

From inforamtion I have read ( and there has been lots ) there doesn't appear to have any long term effects for the children - obviously some will do better than others.

Hope this helps Simon but I will get my thinking cap on for other ideas.

Am i right in thinking your daughter will be coming up to school leavng age soon ? if so will you please still help us who have a way to go pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease ?



Re: Taking Action

Hi Simon,

I am with you all the way.

I've had enough of people disbelieving me and that includes the professionals! I dont want others to have to fight like we have. I'd like to be able to tell people that my daughter is a School Refuser and for them to say 'really?' instead of 'what's that? .... have you tried being firm with her?'
I'd like School Refusal to be accepted the same as a physical illness and I think the only way we can do that is to raise awareness.

I feel we need to get the media involved, which will probably bring more people forward to join us and the more people behind us, the greater our chance of being heard.
Only then can we move forward to the Education Minister etc ...... maybe our way to him/her would be through our local Member of Parliament?
Maybe we could try to contact a journalist from the Educational Supplements as well as the Broadsheets?

Simon, I'm just an ordinary mum and I have no idea how we will do this but I'm behind you all the way. We can do this!

Let me know how I can help.

Sue x

Re: Taking Action


I'm with you too, if we can help raise awareness of this and highlight that it is a real problem, then it can only be a positive step.

I;ll do whatever I can

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: Taking Action


I am not able to give you advice re UK but can shed some light on the avenues which have raised awareness in the past couple of years over here which might give you some ideas.
There is a Catholic run organisation that started a 'School Refusal' unit several years ago and this was reported and showcased in an Educational supplement in a major paper about 2 years ago.
After this I had at least one or two people comment to me that they had read that and now understood- and especially family members. Since then they have opened up two more units. One of the universities then got on board and opened up a unit through their educational learning section. This has also been reported on. These units are set up mostly for teenagers who have not been to school for weeks or months on end.
Perhaps the psychologist/Counsellors who have worked with your children might be interested to help raise awareness or any educational institution that recognises it or a National Society for Anxiety. Some of the therapists or psychologists might also be in touch with the latest research that could be promoted. One of them might even be interested to contact a journalist or go on a radio station. Do you have any books written by UK authors on this topic? They might be interested in promoting via media outlets?
There was also a segment on one of the Current Affairs TV programs a couple of years ago but I felt that that was not an accurate presentation as it gave a very brief window into the lives of a couple of school refusers and somehow did not show it for what it really is - as school refusal cannot be filmed as it is so on and off and unexplainable by the person themselves.
I did not find the publicity has directly helped me as we fall outside the usual age group but I think what it did do was raise awareness amongst researchers, psychologists and educationalists so that when the university and Catholic organisation asked for support to set up further units - that support was forthcoming.
A friend also emailed me a notice sent out to all parents (after the media publicity) at the school where she teaches (happens to be a Catholic school interestingly enough) which outlined what School Refusal was and ways in which parents, teachers and the community could help. Perhaps the education department might send such a notice out to all schools.
Good luck!

Re: Taking Action

My sons therapist who is currently treating 12 other school refusers is putting together a school refusal symposium/conference together with a psyc. who also treats school refusers but she is so so busy. We have talked about alerting the press on the basis of how useless schools are dealing with this issue. I will chase her and find out how far down the line she is. This would be an excellent starting point - getting the press to come cover the conference and see how widespread this problem is.

Re: Taking Action

Fantastic a conference would be absolutley brilliant - any dea where it would be held ? I know our councillor said his work load is 40% SR. I have to go into school tomorrow as son no. 2 ( not a SR ) fractured his foot last night playng footies so will have to go and speak to the head about it. Anyway he has been really understanding so i'll ask him how we can raise awareness with the ed system.

Did speak with a freelance journalist about publicity - they said it would be an intersting topic but would need to do intervews and take photos - being pastered across a womans magazine wouldn't do my sons anxieties any good- they said being annonymous wouldn't look as good and wouldn't think the mags would be interesed.

Lets keep thinking of ideas but we have a great starting place.

Take care

Sarah xx

Re: Taking Action

Hi Everyone,

I love all the idea coming forward. I'd also love to attend any conferences or seminars being held.

I've just been online and read this article and the comments attached. Maybe Laura Clark of The Daily Mail who wrote this piece, may be interested in our cause. The comments on the article were interesting, I'm sure those parents would be on our side. Have a read if you can.

I was wondering how M.E. was first introduced to the media and professionals and how they made people more aware. I'm sure they had similar problems to us. Its another 'unseen' illness, where they were also told to 'snap out of it' by disbelieving outsiders.

Just a thought.

Sue x

The future

Sarah T
Am i right in thinking your daughter will be coming up to school leavng age soon ? if so will you please still help us who have a way to go pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease ?



It is true that I started this site because of a personal need, and it is true that my daughter will be leaving school in the next few weeks.

I have seen some organisations grow and adapt as the beneficiaries grow older (the children of the parents who founded it). This leaves behind those who are at an earlier stage. I do not intend to make that mistake. I think this Forum should be for school refusers, not college refusers. But maybe I will want support as we go into the next stage? I just don't know.

I am considering how best to take things forward, but I am clear that there needs to be something in place, because, sadly, this problem is not about to disappear.

Someone asked 'What happens to the children whose parents don't care?' The answer is not a nice one. But we do care, and so this thread 'Taking Action' should, perhaps look at how the site develops over the longer term, as well as looking at raising awareness.

I am sure you will let me know what you think.


Re: The future


I'm sorry but I don't agree with you - your input and organising this forum has been so valuable to lots of people your experience and understanding is needed - please.

Sorry Simon but we need you !!

Re: The future


I'm not sure how we can take this forward but I certainly want to.
It's too late for my daughter and I, but I never want people to have to go through the things we have.
It has been a long hard slog, full of stress and tears, until I found this site and made friends who finally understood. The professionals always gave me the impression my daughter was the only one with this problem and it was possibly my fault as I was bullied at school?? I now know what rubbish they were speaking!
Even if we can't change the way professionals work, we need to raise awareness and understanding.
Simon, I don't want to put pressure on you but I feel we look to you for a way forward.
Are you willing to take it on? If so, you have my backing and support with any hard work it may take in the future.
I won't give up on this.

Sue x

Re: The future

This subject has come up sooner than I expected.

I am working on a plan which I am not able to take forward for a month or so, by which time I will, I hope, have had the chance to talk to some people.

I will keep you all informed. Meanwhile, in the words of Corporal Jones, 'Don't panic!'


Re: Taking Action

I met the Deputy Head of our local high school today at an art exhibition (We were both working - honest!), and have arranged to meet her later in the term to discuss how she sees school refusal, and look at some of the options available to her, and hence to us.

In our brief chat she said that she has lots of experience of this (!) and has not yet found the answer. She commented that CBT does not work!

I will keep you informed,


Re: Taking Action

It will be so interesting to see her point of view - my sons school have said that they have never had a case as bad as ours !

Keep us all informed and thank you for continuing to support SR Simon you should be knighted - Sir Simon

Sarah xx

Re: Taking Action

Nothing less that a seat in the House of Lords - then I could make a difference!

Re: Taking Action

Absolutely - anyway look at my new topic and let me know what you think

Sarah x