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Psychiatrist assessment or not

Hi all,

My doctor has suggested that my son should have a full psychiatric assessment before trying cognitive behaviour therapy. My concern is that my son had an assessment by a paediatrician who also worked as a psychiatrist (but saw us under a referral to paediatrician) some time back. He diagnosed Generalised Anxiety disorder (aged 6) and said medication was the only way.
I took the 'wait and see' approach along with counselling but find the issue has not gone away. I just wonder what others feel about the tendency for psychiatrists to prescribe medicine and/or whether in fact in the long run - medication is the only way?

Re: Psychiatrist assessment or not

medication is the only way?

I think many of us are concerned at the other effects taking medication has on our child, beyond 'curing' school refusal.

My daughter hates the idea of being hooked on medication, and so takes herself off the prescribed drug - and then regrets it as a crisis point approaches and she feels vulnerable. We are going through that at the moment with exams.

How effective it is, or whether it is just a placebo effect, I don't know, but the end result is that it boosts her confidence. She still feels in control as she can take herself off it.

But is it the only way? no, I do not think it is or should be. My daughter has an excellent mentor at school, so has that to fall back on. But I am no expert!


Re: Psychiatrist assessment or not

When my son was at his worst (nov last year) we tried CBT but he just wasn't responding - he is only 12 and at the time, he was so low and felt he couldn't do anything. He was adament he was never going back to school! After a lot of soul searching, we tried medication and he is now back at school full time and loving it. He is even going in at the weekends for a production his year is putting on. His therapist has told him the medication is like a plaster cast on a broken leg and he now feels he is 100% better with 0 anxiety. He is now coming off the meds but he understands that in order to continue to feel so positive and anxious free, he must undertake an intensive CBT program over the summer holidays and he agreed to this (along with me!!). Now he is feeling so much better, he says he will do anything not to feel like that again.....Obviously, all children are different but when they are feeling so low, it is so hard to motivate them to do anything..We shall see how it goes as I hear there is alot of homework involved....

Re: Psychiatrist assessment or not

Hi all

I did see a psychiatrist a few months ago as I was sure that my son suffered with Aspergers. The assessment was over in about 20 minutes which involved just talking to him ( he just told her what she wanted to hear ) and the conclusion was negative. My son is on meds and has been for nearly 3 years but this was via the GP. I am not sure if they do any good but he thinks they are wonderful and will not under any circumstances leave the house without taking one.

I know this sounds negative but it's honest.

Sarah xx

Re: Psychiatrist assessment or not

Hi Everyone,

My daughter has never been offered medication throughout our 5 years of stress but I don't think she'd take it anyway.
Our GP did suggest recently maybe taking something during the exams but my daughter said NO, so we left it and she's managed so far.

Sue x