school refusers

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School Refusal
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Feel the need to tell you

I'm feeling really let down again!

As you know my daughter is mad about Art and wants to do an Art and Design course at college. She had been to the unit since Jan 09 for an hour a week to do Art and was being entered for her GCSE via the unit instead of school. We were told at every Review meeting that she was entered via the unit for her Art GCSE and it was causing them a lot of extra work, just because she wouldnt go into school to do her exam. She took her GCSE in Art last week at the unit.
Suddenly I get a letter out of the blue stating that her coursework has to be taken into school a.s.a.p.
When I queried this with the Head of Year, I received an email stating that 'MY' confusion was due to the fact she had actually been entered for the exam via School and they would be marking the exam before it was sent to a moderator.
No apology, no explanation, no accepting that they had made a mistake!
I was so cross! Surely it should be marked by the teacher who has been actually teaching her. Both the Art teachers at the school and the unit agreed with me but said that's 'just the way it is'.

Yes, with my daughter it always 'just the way it is' mainly because no one cares!!

Also out of the blue we have received a second exam dates/times list and on checking it I noticed that her Science exam due on 16th June is actually now on 28th May .... next week! has anyone bothered to tell us? No! Was there a note with it? NO!

Also it was the Leavers Day on Friday when all Year 11 students travel to school in various forms of transport and have a party etc. Were we told about this or did we find out about it when we saw it on TV?

Has my daughter been invited to the End of School Prom? No.

She may not have gone to any of these things but it would have been nice to have been invited or informed, after all she is still registered at the school, so I feel we should be told about things, or am I just being an over protective parent again. haha.

Have we been told the date that we can collect our exam results? No

I guess that's just the way it is!

Needless to say, I've ended up at the GP this week with high blood pressure.

Sorry folks, I just needed to tell someone who understands how difficult things are.

I hope you are all having a better week and I promise that although my daughter is in Year11, I will never leave you on here. I want to do something to raise awareness about School refusal, so that others don't suffer like we have.

Take care.

Off soap box now. Thank you.

Sue xx

Re: Feel the need to tell you

Oh Sue I'm sorry - that is really bad of school not to keep you informed. I'm sitting here with my son and he has just asked me what the prolem was - and when i told him he said he really hates schools they never get anything right - ummmm he might have a point where SR are concerned.

I have just spoken to a friend who is having problems with her son - he is really playing up on Sunday nights ( sounds familiar ) not feeling well in the mornings ( sounds familiar ) and isn't getting on at school and believes he is beng bullied. Told her to talk to school and CAMHS asap - shes at her wits end !!

Sue hang in there not long to go -and a real thank you for staying with us.

Talk soon

Sarah xx