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CAMHS - Meeting with Mental Health Practitioner

At last we have a meeting with the Mental Health Practitioner at our house on Tuesday at 2pm.

I'm now worrying about whether my daughter will co-operate with the meeting.

Does anyone know what should happen at the meeting ?

Re: CAMHS - Meeting with Mental Health Practitioner

Hi Dazza,

I'm glad you managed to get your daughter on holiday, well done you! I'm sure it helped her confidence a little even though it was scary for her at first.

We only had a couple of meetings with CAHMS and that was in their offices. My daughter was only 11 at the time and it was a case of them gathering ideas of any issues we had and the problems we were facing. Please don't worry about if your daughter co-operates or not, thats exactly why they are there, to see how she interacts with others and what her anxieties are.

Just go with the flow, you are a good dad and your daughter is scared so stick with it, you'll get through it I promise, we did and there were times I just wanted to give up believe me, but we took small steps and eventually came out the other end, just like you will.

Take care.

Sue x

Re: CAMHS - Meeting with Mental Health Practitioner

Daz - please please dont worry about the CAMHS meeting. I am a huge huge fan of CAMHS and they have been fantastic with both my son and I. Your daughter may not co-operate, if she doesnt they will be able to see how she is, it is no good her sitting there as good as gold telling them what they want to hear it defeats the object. Our therapist has said that SR is the hardest problem they deal with as there is no rational explanation to it at all. My son does enjoy his sessions, but on occassions he has refused to go, so I go on my own and it is good for me too.

Please post and let us know how it goes, ( we had three therapists before we were happy )

Good luck
Sar xx

Re: CAMHS - Meeting with Mental Health Practitioner

Hi Daz - how did the meeting go ? Thought about you yesterday as we too had one - my son didn't refuse to go but didn't want to which was fine as it gave me chance to talk without him there.

Please let me know how it went



Re: CAMHS - Meeting with Mental Health Practitioner

It went well. Me and my wife talked to the doctor for about 30 minutes and then we had to pursuade Marie to come downstairs to talk to the doctor. She came downstairs but was very quiet with the doctor mainly just nodding or shaking her head in reply to the doctors questions. The doctor made another appointment for 2 weeks time and suggested that we go for a walk or something so that Marie might open up a bit.

The doctor says that Marie is suffering with anxiety so hopefully we have a diagnosis now and we can get more help from the school.

Re: CAMHS - Meeting with Mental Health Practitioner

Well done and especially to Marie for co-operating a huge step forward.

It's good that they are only leaving it 2 weeks before the next appointment then hopefully they will be on a regular basis. Our psycologist told me only this week that he has another 2 from the same school as my son with the same problem that have just been refered- funny that the school say they have never come acoss this before LOL

Good luck and keep posting - it helps us all

Sar x