school refusers

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School Refusal
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Advice Needed

Hi I'm new to this site. My son has always struggled with school, often becoming so worked up it makes him ill. After a diagnosis and statement he was placed in a specailist unit for 2 years. He came on loads and there was no problems getting him into school. Any way as there was no unit available he had to start mainstream in the seniors which he always hated and the stress and morning illnesses came back. His attendance was very poor. He is 14 and the school he was in offered no suitable options and as a keen dancer he decided to change schools to a one with performing arts and dance options. The school he chose was one near my parents. He is in his second week of the school, and the teachers have been very supportive but it's such a struggle to get him in, he gets very real physical symptoms but so far we've managed to get him there. However we've had to pick him up today as the school rang saying he was ill. I know it's just nerves, really not sure what to do. I would love to home school but I work. I just feel awful sending him somewhere that makes him so depressed and nervous.

Re: Advice Needed

Hi Debbie,

Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. As you know from all of us on this site - it is a roller coaster ride. If you read back over some of the old posts you will see various advice re home schooling and also support via the school system. Some of the others on this site are probably more able to help you with specifics than myself as I presume you are in the UK.
It sounds like the school that you have enrolled your son in has the subjects he might be able to really relate to - so it might be just time that will allow him to either feel ok via dance and the arts or by making a friend or two but he might also need some individual help to deal with his anxiety.
My son has started having Cognitive Behaviour therapy which works on turning his negative thoughts around as well as strategies to work on when the anxiety hits. We had to find the right therapist that had a good relationship with him. The one we have now fully understands SR and has explained the feelings he has more in scientific terms in relation to how the brain works. My son seemed relieved to find that there was a reason for how he was feeling. We both attend the sessions at the moment - so that I know the strategies as well and can help him in times of crisis.
So I would recommend that even if you go down the home schooling road - that you help him work through his anxiety with a psychiatrist or counsellor who fully understands what he goes through. As you can tell from the comments in posts on here - most people don't understand SR or anxiety and that includes many professionals who are supposed to be helping.
Good luck and keep in touch with us all here as we know exactly how you feel.