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Confidence Self Esteem building coursess - please help?

please has anyone got any ideas or knowledge or confidence building courses for teens that have been bullied and have low self-esteem? there must be something somewhere ? i've watched super nanny in action and she does amazing things ? I have a teen who hasnt been in school for 2 years .. trying to get her back in again but everytime some stupid kid says something its back to square one .. ? how do you teach shy, kind children to stick up for themselves ? otherwise we are never going to get anywhere ? arghhhhhh !!

Re: Confidence Self Esteem building coursess - please help?

OK, this is probably not in your area, but the organisers might be able to help.

Re: Confidence Self Esteem building coursess - please help?

Hi Simon,
Do you have any further details on this as there is no contact address or venue. It actually happens to be in my area and I don't know whether my daughter would go on such a course, but it is worth knowing there is something like this close by.
Many thanks

Re: Confidence Self Esteem building coursess - please help?

The courses appear to be in Ipswich.
Here is the link to their contact details:

It is really difficult for someone with low self confidence to get the confidence to go on a course that aims to build their confidence! I would think accumulating as much background as you can on the course might help.

Re: Confidence Self Esteem building coursess - please help?

Simon - a good point re attending session. Annabel - linda? perhaps finding a good counsellor (and yes I always mention this - CB therapist) in your area might make it easier for your daughter as then it is just a one on one session rather than a group. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy does work well with self esteem too. I was just reading a book 'Change your thinking' by Sarah Edelman (Australian Broadcasting Corporation books) which follows CB and she covers self esteem. At the back she lists some further books specifically related to self esteem and this one is specifically related to CB:

Fennel, M (1999), Overcoming Low Self-esteem: A self help guide using cognitive behaviour techniques, Robinson publishing, London.

Another book I have seen on the Internet that you might already have come across:
Butler, Gillian, Overcoming social anxiety and shyness: A self help guide using cognitive behaviour techniques (available on Amazon but is a UK book - so perhaps in bookshops too).

The following website mentions books and courses in the UK in regard to overcoming mental health issues and includes self esteem and anxiety:

Small steps at a time
All the best -

Re: Confidence Self Esteem building coursess - please help?

Thanks for all the info .. will definately look into counselling and some more books !

Re: Confidence Self Esteem building coursess - please help?

adult education run courses & there is no lower age limit according to Connexions - try your local learning centre or connexions

Re: Confidence Self Esteem building coursess - please help?

Annabel ~ We must be from the same area....Please feel free to mail me if you would like a chat