school refusers

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School Refusal
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A child is for life not just Senior School

Advice from a friend who was an Education Welfare Officer was "de-register her, concentrate on her welfare by home educating her autonamously" and three years ago we did just that. The mental welfare of these children that cannot cope with the large main-stream schools at around age 11 is paramount - dont take a risk with their mental health, if you push too much (like we did) you can push them over the edge. We were lucky, she came back to us, some are not so lucky and never recover. The fight is never worth it, Local Authorities are not interested in children that do not conform to "normal" and are usually very unhelpful as these children represent HARD WORK for the school and the worry other children may also revolt against the unnatural way schools make them learn. As our daughter reaches 15 and fully recovered we look forward to College and Adult Learning knowing we did the best for her. Its about time those in Authority realise not all children are the same and some just cannot cope and never will.

Re: A child is for life not just Senior School

That is exactly what we are doing this weekend. Writing the letter to de-register our son. You are so right, our children dont fit in their boxes and they dont like it. One size fits all education does not work for everyone and as my friends mother said 'school was designed for children not children for school' An i so pleased to her your daughter has come through this and looks towards college. XX

Re: A child is for life not just Senior School

Sue, it makes me so sad that it has come to this for you, i really am. I hope it works out for you both. Please please stay on the forum and let us know how things are going.

Have a lovely weekend

Sarah xx