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The Linden Method etc

Hi all,

Hoping this coming week is fairly smooth running for all of us...small steps at a time:-)

Does anyone know anything about the 'Linden Method' for anxiety that is advertised on the Internet? Is it just a fad with lots of advertising gimmicks or do you think it is real?
Another thing I came across was 'energy psychology'. Anyone heard of that?
And....did you know our kids have "didaskaleinophobia' (school phobia)!! Try throwing that one round at the sceptics!!
Also - has anyone found any diet works....dairy free - wheat free - gluten free- only organic...etc (family keep telling me to try these). We are currently dairy free for a few stomach issues but I think the stomach issues are also a result of anxiety?
Just love to hear thoughts on therapy that hovers round the edges and may or may not assist.

Re: The Linden Method etc

Linda - I have the Linden Method - think it was about £150, but i can't say it has helped us - CBT far better in our case. Yes i did know the name for school phobia and did actually use it in one meeting - very amusing really.

Never tried diets as my son isn't a good eater at the best of times but if anyone has please let me know.

Sarah xx

Re: The Linden Method etc

I have read the Linden method book this weekend, very interesting to read his story, and the bit about childhood anxiety. Found the rest of the book was nothing more than information you have probably gleaned from other reading and the internet. Have yet to use his DVD and relaxation CDs.
