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School Refusal
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Advise needed

Hi all

I have a friend, whos daughter "K", i believe has school Phobia...

I was diagnosed with this myself at the age of 13, which resulted in a lack of education until i was old enough to undertake my own.

"K" has had problems for years with school, she is 15 now, and it has gotten much worse over the last year. its got to the point of the plolice being involved with bullies, and 2 changes of school. We are getting no help from the school board other than "you must attend school or we will prosecute"

We believe, after fighting with her for years, that she would be better either being home schooled or at college, which the school has denied her both options. They say the college cannot take her, despite ourselves finding information on the local colleges own website that states different.

Our concern with Home schooling, is none of us know where to start with this, I myself am more than happy to sit and "teach" her, and she is more than happy to be taught by me, but i have no access to the resources we will need.

Can anyone advise me, or point me to some good websites for resources and the law on home schooling?

Re: Advise needed


Sorry to hear your friend and daughter is having so much trouble. We know how it feels. There is some information on this forum regarding websites for home schooling. If you go to search and type in Home Schooling you should come up with some as there has been some listed.
There is a comprehensive site (assuming you are UK) see link below. That might get you started. All the best,

Re: Advise needed

Hi - you know it makes me so cross that the authorities are so unhelpful ( apologies to ours ) but they should understand that this is a major problem world-wide.

First of all my advise is the same as I gave Dave - i didn't in the end give up and we now have the authorities bending over backwards to help us. Why should you have to home educate ? I have had excellent support form Parent Partneship who act on your behalf with school issues and they are not always on the schools side, they have supported me and pointed me in the right direction. I at one time did home school whilst we had no support but found it very difficult. BBC bitesize it a good start.

Hope this helps.


Re: Advise needed

I ended up opting for home education for my son although he is younger, being 12. Its not an easy decision but there is loads of support and advice out there. Education Otherwise can guide you on all sorts of things and there are also on line tutor services such as My Own Tutor (which you have to subscribe to) but we have found it suits our son and he is so much happier and settled in himself and his education is ploughing on forward. It is hard work but worth it if you can do it. There are also local home ed groups in most areas where you can meet up etc so there is a support network (details again through Education Otherwise). Our LEA and parentpartnership were not as supportive as some people on here, we were unlucky in that aspect.
I hope this info helps and good luck in what ever you decide. XX

Re: Advise needed

Is there a Red Balloon in your area?