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childrens reporter

has anyone in scotland been reported to the childrens reporter?

I am terrified at what will happen next - my daughter is probably going to loose her place at the only special school that can eet her needs (educationally fragile) and I have to face the childrens panel system

today have a meeting at social services to try and sort out the mess of their involvement

CAMHS still say we need to wait until june for an appointment - all such a mess

Re: childrens reporter

Don't panic!

I have not been before the Children's Reporter, but our office cleaner went through the process.

She, the OC, had difficulty getting the assigned social worker to attend appointments with her or her son, but that did not stop the system taking her to the CR. The social worker failed to attend two hearings, so the case was dropped. But more importantly, the CR made a case against the social work department and for the family.

Make sure you are well prepared with evidence of things that have not happened as they should; inability of the caring organisations to get together to make a plan; services offered, but not delivered; etc. And of things that you have been doing, particularly home education, tutoring, medical appointments, anything that shows that you are trying the best for your child.

Read through the Forum to see what others have been offered, but you have not.

I said 'Don't panic', but it is scary. However, this is for the best interests of your child, and that is what you want - the best for your child.

good luck, and let me know how you get on. we will all be rooting for you!


Re: childrens reporter

I've never heard of the Childrens reporter. It all sounds very scary to me.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

Sue and M. x

Re: childrens reporter

Hi I have never heard of this either - is it like an education welfare officer ? Can you explain then maybe we can advise.


Re: childrens reporter

Is this someone who works for the Department of Human Services and decides whether you need a hearing or not? From what I see on the site below- you seem to have a good case for it not to go to a hearing. As Simon reminds us - make sure
you document what you have been doing to help.
I know the system here is different but from what I gather here - the only way things get to go to this level is when the school does not do the work they are supposed to in order to help the child/family. What has the 'special' school been doing to ensure that different options are explored?
If there are lots of gaps in connecting with you - as it sounds like there is- then despite the stress this has put you under - you should have a very good case for it not to be taken further.
Good luck and hang in there.

Re: childrens reporter

I have a rather "difficult" relationship with social services - my daughter is adopted but SS cant seem to stop treating her like a looked after child and me a dysfunctional mum - where as the dysfunction comes from her original abuse and neglect

SS are now sending in "behavioural workers" to start taking her into school - I have no choice in it it seems - they wont work together with her therapist and see no need to talk with the therapist

SS will write the report for the childrens reporter - it could lead to more power handed to SS or even some sort of child protection - all a bit of a ngihtmare

if only she could go to school and get them off my back

Re: childrens reporter

This is awful - why oh why will they not listen to the parents, and i thought all the way along is only they would go to school. Just stay strong which is easier said than done. I have always been told if you co-operate you will be fine.

Good luck

Sar xx