school refusers

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3 months without an attack

Well we have now gone 3 months without a panic attack - sorry my son has and it has made a huge difference. Don't get me wrong he is still anxious about things and quite highly strung but since he has cut out caffine it has make a huge difference. No coke or fizzy drinks and very limited chocolate and the difference is amazing. I think i have mentioned this before - he used to drink coke like it was going out of fashion and crave chocolate. It took a while for the cravings to stop but what a difference.

Thought i would share this with you.

Sar xx

Re: 3 months without an attack

Good to hear Sarah. My son also seems to crave chocolate so we go through bans but having just gone through Easter and the amount of chocolate I think I can say that things have been worse as a result. Hope you luck continues -