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School Refusal
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Not again

Help - son no 2 refused this morning - please please can't do this again at a total loss and all over the place - need to look at my own advise but boy this is hard i just want to screem.


Re: Not again

Sarah, hang on in there, thinking about you.

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: Not again

hi sarah,poor you i always find agood cry or scream does you good.did you sort out the situation last week about your son 2 ,what happened to the boy!he should have been excluded for bullying.stay strong does he have anxiety as well or not take care donna

Re: Not again

No he doesn't suffer anxieties but the assult last week has quite frightened him i think - he did in the end go in at lunch time and was fine when he came home. Doesnt appear anything has been done about it so not quite sure where to go from here. When i took him in i saw another mum friend who's son was also being bullied !!

oh well, just glad it is the weekend.

Sar xx

Re: Not again

Sarah - hope you can have some good moments over the weekend. You are having a rough time of it - and in all of that - it is not surprising son no.2 does not want to go to school. Your are panicking thinking it is school refusal but if he doesn't have the anxiety then he will be able to pull through this. Can you get together with the other parent and face the school head that way - to force something to be done?
I do hope you have a better week soon.

I have my fingers crossed for us next week - the last week of term. Then it starts all over again after the holidays!! He is with his dad's tonight and I have to admit that I feel totally exhausted and was hanging out for this break. We have parent teacher interview on Monday night - don't you just love those when it comes to SR children!! I bumped into a mum at the local shops and she said she was buying her children a treat for getting such good reports. "And how did your son go?" she asked. 'Good' was my answer. What more can you say!? He has done well considering.

Re: Not again

Linda - he has done well dont ever feel belittled by other parents = half are fibbing anyway.

I do so hate the school gate parade with parents saying how fab their kids are, well so are mine, one just doesn't go to school.

I actually think that my sr son will come out with better qualifications than if he attended school i really do.

Have a great holiday break Linda - roll on 4 weeks time for ours.


Re: Not again

Thanks for your thoughtful words, Sarah. I told my son that he is not to worry about his report and I'm happy with whatever it says as it will have some good and some mention of the absence so it was fine - nothing we didn't already know about. He actually went off fine to school today (but it is a student free day tomorrow) - this is the last week then 2 weeks holiday. Time has flown - it seems not long ago that you were all talking about the long summer break last year!

I was talking to mums at my son's football game and was surprised that there were three of us worried about secondary school because of similar issues (not sr but anxiety - possible autism - hyper sensitivity etc - the two other parents had been through psychologists and come up with no answers or what felt like help). I do wonder if their kids are headed for that typical age of SR? As my son has had it all through school he has been the 'odd one out' but now at age 11/12 I think some kids are coming up to that age where it hits due to change to secondary.

I keep asking myself - why are so many of our kids suffering in this way? Is it chemical imbalance due to our food chain contamination - is it our lifestyle - is it the way schools are run - is it the technology they are exposed to - is it the way we bring kids up these days- is it the 'global' world they have on their doorstep every day - is it after Sept 11 and the world became 'on edge'. I do hope someone is researching out there and finding why so many perfectly normal otherwise young people are suffering in this way.

I was a teacher during the 80s and 90s and there were definitely not cases of SR (even though I do have to take into account it may not have been known about - I just did not have kids who were continuously absent). Something seems to have changed - or we are picking up issues earlier - not sure - but the questions keep going round in my head as I sometimes try to piece any commonality between all of our children. A very complex issue!

Sorry my thoughts were wandering there - I mostly get bogged down in the day to day struggle but sometimes I wonder about the big picture and if we can try and prevent kids becoming like this in the first place.
I do hope this is a positive week in some way (and remember small steps) for all of you - and yourself, Sarah. Take a moment out for yourself.
best wishes,