school refusers

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School Refusal
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Hi everyone

Schools done for the summer here in good ole' New Hampshire, USA. My daughter is going to go for one month of summer school 9-12. to keep her into the school "frame of mind". With her health problems being sorted out and such, she has made unbelievable progress. Her anxiety is well controlled (finally) but again, it is the end of the school session.

With that said, I asked her if she would like to attend school 7th grade this year or would she like to be homeschooled @ home. Her response...
School with my classmates please. ( I was beyond shocked ) She has been wanting to be at home for this whole session. She stated she feels better and wants a more "regular like her friends day".

Her Therapist told her last week she is no longer in need of weekly one hour visits and that these will be cut down. She still does take her zoloft which she cannot do without for now.

I am glad to report she does not have Lyme disease but she does have Sjogrens Syndrome. (produces no saliva) and that her severe fatigue is what we will be working on next. Dr. states that her fatigue level is off the charts and doesnt understand how she functions as well as she does. So this is next step. Her Chemo drug (for fatigue) had to be stopped because her body couldnt tolerate it. Next week we speak to medical professor about that. For now...all is well...I am happy to report.

Hope you all have a non stressful summer vacation.

Re: Daughter

Bonnie that is wonderful news - you must be so chuffed.

It would be nice if you stay in touch with us all and post progress reports.

Take care

Sarah xx

Re: Daughter

Well done to you and your daughter, Bonnie. What an amazing turn around for you. Just shows you that an underlying cause can bring up so many other issues, doesn't it. Enjoy the break (We are in our cold winter break down here in Australia). Let us know what you and your daughter decide works best for the schooling and whether she finds going back to mainstream school ok.
Good luck,