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School Refusal
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Our children

you know what and yes i am having a rant - lots of us at one time or another have faced the threat of prosecution yes ? well our children are not running riot and looting from shops as we have seen on the news, but hey they will get away with it, but our children have real problems and need support - they are good kids - i suggest in the future they reconsider who needs locking up or fining !!

Sorry but they need to see whos children are good with problems and whos children are just trouble !!


Re: Our children

Hi Sarah,

The law seems to be in the wrong place in many occasions. You are having a really bad time of it over there - I watch on the news and just feel for everyone as it is just so mindless. Even if there was a good cause there is no excuse but this is just destruction and looting for no reason except they can. But once you get a group - mob mentality rules. There must be a lot of frustration amongst youth, however, to have this escalating across the country. I do hope it stops soon - so sad.
Thinking of you all

Re: Our children

Put them all in the Army and teach them some respect!

Sue and M. xx

Re: Our children

My son's heart sank when he saw the destruction as he had painted a rather overblown view of the UK as the country in which he wanted to live (grass greener on the other side that I am sure many suffering from anxiety have).
Is it lack of community identity from frustrated long term unemployed or opportunists via the speed of technological communication these days I wonder.
Again - thinking of you all who live in the cities in which this has taken place.

Re: Our children

Linda, I really don't know why this has happened - just mindless individuals i think !! The UK on the whole is a great place, I too have only seen the images portrayed on the television as there were no problems near us - Birmingham being the closest and about 30 miles away.

We all hope this is a one off and that is has all calmed down, who knows !! My original point is that our children are good kids who need help not punishing.

Anyway must go

Sarah xx