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On a positive note

Well you all know my story so far so not going to go on about it - you have heard it so many times !! Anyway my SR son is in his last year of school ( well home tuition ) I am more than happy for him not to go back to school - something i thought i would never say - anyway on Friday i heard that my son will be one of a handful of students representing our town in a film production competition. He will be against at least 200 other students from around the country - but that doesn't matter he has done exceptionally well getting this far. Well done M, you show them !!

Move over Guy Ritchie !!

Sarah xx

Re: On a positive note

Funnily enough, it was a local film production that helped my daughter on her way. She got a mention in the credits, which boosted her morale.

Good luck, M.

Re: On a positive note

Thanks Simon - he is so excited and is working really hard. It was lovely to hear that it helped your daughter too.

With regards to your daughter how is she doing ?

Sarah x

Re: On a positive note

Well done to your son, Sarah. You must feel proud of that - something fantastic for him and hope it can boost his morale.

Re: On a positive note

Thanks Linda, yes all good at the moment although we are struggling with "Macbeth" !! M's doing really well, but as we all know it doesn't take much for all that to change.

His new home tutor is so lovely which makes a difference - he used to be a teacher at M's school many moons ago - he taught me !!

Hope you are well.

Sarah xx