school refusers

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School Refusal
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just to say

hi everyone
its good to know that there are other people who understand what its like, its not easy. my daughter went through a stage of not going out and not caring about how she looked. things are a bit better now but we still have bad days i think we just need to take one day at a time and be patient with the kids, they cant help how they feel and if only other people especially school realised that this is a illness like any other. its no good saying to them just get on with it they need understanding and not made to feel that they are failing in any way. i wish there was some way of us all meeting to talk about this i think it would really help its a shame we all live so far away. the school think its all about them but most of the time its not j can get very paniky about going out and is so unsure about her desisions asking if everything looks ok, hair, clothes , shoes even when i say lovely she still asked again and again but i just have to stay calm.
anyway on a good note j is good today she had two good friends who also suffer sr staying for a sleep over, they are also going to the local fun fair which comes to a small town near us every october for 2 weekends so that should be good
just hope next week is good because then they have a week off from school so i know we should be ok then.
best wishes to you all its good to have somewhere to just let it all out.

Re: just to say

hi Jennifer, it's good that your daughter has friends who can truly empathize with her and she can be herself with. My son had cocooned himself in his room for a long time so any time he does want to go out is another small step in the right direction. Hope the girls all have a good night!! Take care Lindy x

Re: just to say

Im sure you have all said before but where do we all live - is it possible to meet up ? ( sorry Linda you are a bit too far away x )

Sarah xx

Re: just to say

Jennifer - good to hear about your daughter. It is great she has friends who understand and staying overnight can be difficult in itself.

And Sarah - Wouldn't it be great if you all could meet up. If I do ever make a trip to the UK - It would be lovely to meet.

And Lindy - sounds like things are still pretty tough for your son. I still think Cognitive Behaviour THerapy is the right way to go - but finding someone who does this or does it well might not be that simple.
Take care