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Waiting Lists

Jezebel's message re her child being on a waiting list prompts me to ask if anyone is aware of legal time limits to (or targets for) waiting lists for children in situations such as ours in the UK?

Presumably these will be different for England & Wales and for Scotland and Ireland

Our daughter has been told she may have to wait for a year - after a wait of four months.

Re: Waiting Lists

hi Simon, on the it mentions that the national target by 2008 was that no child should be kept waiting longer than 13 weeks. (their strategy was from 2007 to 2010) also " improving access to child and adolescent mental health services" refers to guidance on 18 week from referral to treatment standard. Though on chimat it says that for 2010/2011 the 18 weeks standard set out by the department of health has now ceased so that's how everyone's experiences are different. Take care ,Lindy x

Re: Waiting Lists

hi SImon,

Despite the guidelines - I wonder what the reality is and how many people feel in a position to challenge it? Such a shame- young people need all the support they can get immediately and not be a on a waiting list.
I am sure there are people out there pushing as much as they can but if governments aren't listening- then it's an uphill battle. Good luck.
PS Do you think your daughter might have to go private? Is the waiting list via her College? What options are there for those young people not at school or in college?

Re: Waiting Lists

Hi. In the Midlands we are looking aat an 18 week waiting list, but we did get in earlier.

Sarah xx

Re: Waiting Lists

we had to wait 11 weeks from refferal (in february) to choices appointment , then another 12 weeks before anything happened, and finally work started last monday - almost 9 months - and my daughter has been unable to leave the house, self haming, and some other very disturbed behaviours

so it isnt quick - I was told unless they are a serious risk of suicide or serious harm to others, psychotic and dangerous or dangerously anorexic they are low priority

but the choices appoint is for screaning but also, cynical me thinks to say there waiting times are within the limits

our choices appointment wasnt much use as they didnt want to know anything except about the school refusal as apparently thats what the refferal was for so wouldnt talk about all the other issues

then suddenly (because the childrens re[orter is involved?) we got passed onto a lovely psychologist who reffered us to CAMHS 4

Re: Waiting Lists

i have just been reading through your posts i am so sorry for you and your daughter.
i cannot believe that they only wanted to talk about sr when it is so plain to see that it is so much more than that, why is everything centred around school when it should be about the wellbeing of the child.
what do our children have to do to get help and understanding it would be to late if god forbid they tried suicide or they harmed someone else.
my very best wishes to you and your daughter, keep strong which i know is hard at times you are doing really well, we have to tell ourselfs things will get better im sure they will
best wishes