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School Refusal
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Frustrated !!

Hi - Apologies but i need a rant. All has been going well, but found out today that M won't be entered for any GCSE's !! He was due to do several and has been working very hard with his tutor but informed this morning that they hadn't entered him for any next year, and it's nothing t do with his capability it's because he has been educated at home and not at the centre. I need to do some digging and sorting out but I have only just found out so a little bit in limbo at the moment !!

If he's not being entered for any exams why is he receiving tuition ?? Apologies just needed to share this as i feel very lone again.

Hope everyone else is well.

Love Sar xx

Re: Frustrated !!

Hi Sarah, we have witnessed the sheer frustration and anger of our kids reaction to how they are feeling yet ours is the sheer frustration and anger that we have to constantly fight for our kids and once again get a slap in the face. Do you have a" children's law centre" in England? I contacted the one here for advice this morning about education issues. Get out for a walk, find a quiet spot and do some breathing need to recharge your batteries to be ready for the fight ahead! How's you son feeling about this? Thinking of you both. Take care, Lindy x P.S. always know you are not alone.

Re: Frustrated !!

Lindy - thanks for that. M is a little deflated as he has put so much hard work into his studies, and wants to be like his friends and pass his GCSE's. I am now aware of a childrens law centre here but will be on the internet trying to find out believe me.

He is a bright boy, and has already taken GCSE English last year - he took the exam at home so can't see what the problem is.

I'm sitting here at work and can't concentrate on anything as I am so fraustrated by the system, and being half term next week nothing will be done then so will add to my already high stress levels !!.

I know I'm not alone and that helps enormously - i just feel so sorry for M having to cope with yet another set back.

Hope all well with you - did you get any advise this morning ?

Love Sar xx

Re: Frustrated !!

Hi Sarah, I'd phoned the children's law centre this morning to see was there anything I should have done or anything else I could be doing re my son's education (or lack of it). He's in year 11 and although being informed otherwise had not been referred to an E.W.O. Referred him myself! So feel like banging my head of a wall this week. My son's CAMHS team are very supportive.They run a weekly parents group which has been a god send as has this forum. If I come across any info that might be helpful I'll let you know.
Take care, Lindy x

Re: Frustrated !!

Rant away!

We have come across this problem before on this Forum. Other home schooled children can do GCSE's, so not sure why your school is being sticky.

I will have a root around the Forum to see if I can find the previous messages on this topic. Maybe some one else knows the answer?


exam centres

I referred another user to this website, but don't know how he got on

Re: exam centres

Simon - it was the inclusion centre that woundn't put him in for his exams as they provide the home education and now i have egg on my face. Late this afternoon had a call from school, and they have said that even though they know M can't access education from school there will always be a place there for him, full time part time any time and THEY will enter him for his exams - how amazing is that - so in the end its the school that have come up trumps for us and not the inclusion centre.

That has made me feel so much better, and thanks to the school for being there in the end.

Sar xx

Re: exam centres

Absolutely brilliant news!!
Lindy x

Re: exam centres

Hi Sarah,

SO glad to hear how this turned out! I couldn't believe what you were told initially - that is just so awful and don't they realise that! There are some really stupid, ignorant people out there that send our stress levels up for no reason. Anyway - go for that walk that Lindy suggests anyway - sounds like you need some deep breaths to throw away the unnecessary stress.
Take care,

Re: exam centres

Hi Linda - i would go for that walk if i had time - as you know my parents now live with me and Dad had another stroke on Friday evening but have managed to keep him at home as he was only discharged from hospital last Monday after 8 weeks there !! He now has a chest infection which has really knocked him sideways and had a fall earlier - beam me up Scottie as coupled with dementia is quite hard at the moment so i am on a little bit of a short fuse, especially when i have just received a letter from school inviting my son to join in after-school homework club - has no one told them he doesn't actually go to school !!!!! Anyway feeling a little sorry for myself at the moment - selfish i know but that's how it is.

Im going to have a day off tomorrow and have sometime with the boys, that always makes we feel better.

Love to all Sarah xx

Re: exam centres

Hi Sarah,

You really do have it tough. I can only begin to imagine what it must be like with your dad so ill and looking after elderly parents and your two boys. I find it tough just being a soleparent with one and SR - are one very strong person, despite what you probably often feel! Hope you can have some really nice time tomorrow for you and the boys.
Do you get any home assistance for your dad? We have some great services here as they are trying to keep people at home rather than go into nursing homes but you just have to know how to access it all (sounds like SR support, doesn't it!).
My son is home today.....he only went in 2 days last week. I'm a bit stressed about this but just have to go with the flow and hope it isn't a pattern again or a set back ...just a small hiccup.
It is so lovely having your experience to help others - I feel a bit helpless way out here but can only offer lots of sympathy and support to those in the UK. I really appreciate yours and others support.
Take care and I know you have little time for you - but even a moment here and there (mindfulness thinking or meditation bringing one back to the here and now is supposed to help.....but I often wonder if this kind of help is for those already in an almost ok position...seems easier then!
All the best - thinking of you,
Linda xx

Re: exam centres

Hi Linda - just a quick one to say thanks for your message, having a better day today as i felt sorry for myself yesterday - all just got a bit too much. Yes i have been having carers in for a week now to help getting him up and back to bed which is an enormous help as i was doing it all myslef before. Im sorry your son has had a little blip - but thats all it is as he is doing so well.

Will post later when i have more time.

Sarah xx