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Parent Partnership??

Hi all,
Just a wee quick question.....Is parent partnership only available in England? I'm in Northern Ireland and haven't come across it here. It seems a positive help to you in preparing for meetings etc. Heading on to work now and then a Camhs appointment in the afternoon!!
Take care,
Lindy x

Re: Parent Partnership??

Hi Lindy good luck this afternoon. I will find out about PP in Northern Ireland and let you know. I used to work in NI one day a week a few years ago and what a lovely place the people were so friendly. Sarah xx

Re: Parent Partnership??

Hi Lindy - i called my local PP and they were unsure about a branch in NI, but will find out and give me a call if there is any news. I have search and can't find one but surely there has to be some kind of support over the water - my mission is to find one for you.

Sar xx

Re: Parent Partnership??

Hi Sarah,
Thank you so much!!
What would I do without you!
Take care,
Lindy x

Re: Parent Partnership??

No problem at all - i will do all i can to help. How did CAMHS go ?? xx

Re: Parent Partnership??

Hi Sarah,
Considering my son had a grand total of one hour's sleep overnight it is a wonder that we got to the appointment! Camhs have built up a good relationship with him and have been working with him on his coping strategies.I do see wee changes( however small ) and the meltdowns when they happen don't seem so severe. He's laughing away on the X box at the minute so all's right with the world!
Hope you have an enjoyable weekend and that your sons and your mum and dad keep well.
Take care,
Lindy x

Re: Parent Partnership??

Lindy - whats your son on ? MW3 Skyrim - Saints Row ?? i know them all. You'll have to let me have your sons gaming tag if he's on line to hook up with my guys, and we can chat on line !! My SR son has always said that he can lose himself in x box and it has done him good.

You too have a great weekend.

Sarah x

Re: Parent Partnership??

Sarah - my son says the same thing about MineCraft on the computer and has lots of 'friends'. It is addictive though - so has been a cause of many an argument. Now I just give three warnings and if no response, pull out the Internet plug (luckily it is on the other side of the room!).

I wish we had Parent Partnership here! WE are too far over the water!
Take care Lindy and Sarah,