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what do i do now

what a day, i went to a meeting with educational psychologists this morning that went quite well i thought that maybe this could help and we would get some where now. j was supposed to be coming to the meeting but the ep decided that it was proberly best not to see her today but talk to camhs first. when i left the meeting j texted to ask when she was needed i text back that she wasnt needed now and i would see her later, she got upset and said she wanted to come home, told her she needed to stay. when i got home got a phone call from her crying and sobbing that she really couldnt do it so i phoned the school and asked them to phone me, when i got the phone call the teacher wasnt happy she said that it had upset j that she wasnt needed at the meeting, i told her that was not my fault she seemed very cross, when i said this to her she said it was about time j was made to go to school and go into lessons as she thought there was nothing else wrong with j and had been sitting there waiting for the underlying problem to show which she didnt think there was, at this i told her to get j to the office i was coming to get her and put the phone down. when i picked j up there was no one about so i just took her no one from school has spoke to me about this, im not sure i want j to go back now if thats how the teacher thinks of her i think she will have to be home schooled as i cant keep on like this all the time. i feel totally drained today. not sure what to do want to make sure i do whats right for j.
sorry to go on

Re: what do i do now

Hi Jennlfer,
Does your daughter's school have a Head of Pastoral Care? I would phone first thing in the morning to arrange an urgent appointment. You are doing everything in your power to do what you can . It's a pity that the Ed Psych hadn't made you aware earlier that they would only be seeing you alone. You would have been able to prepare your daughter for that. There needs to be some communication between the head of pastoral care and this teacher as to your daughter's SR .
Take care,
Lindy x

Re: what do i do now

What a day you have had, Jennifer. I hope you have found the time to relax a bit by this time but understandable that you would feel so drained.
I have had teachers say that regarding my son. They just do not get the issue and I don't think they ever will. Have you given them, however, as much documentation and information about SR as you can. They need to understand that even simple things for others are huge things for SR kids (a bit like autism). Not going to the meeting was such a disruption to your daughters perception of the day that I am not surprised she couldn't cope. The teacher obviously has no idea of the thinking mindset of SR kids.
If you can educate them - good luck (I have succeeded finally with this teacher my son has this year) but otherwise you either have to put up with their attitude or as you say - home school. You'll have to see how you feel about that. If it helps - when teachers told me that my son needed to be dragged into sschool or indicated that he was just being naughty - I got to a point where I was able to ignore them. BEfore that I recall being in tears in front of them (I am sure they thought even more it was my fault). Those days seem so far away now but you reminded me of how I have felt. The trouble is - those teachers don't treat SR kids properly in the classroom either. My son, they kept telling me, was perfectly normal in class so would be treated exactly the same as the other children. This of course wasnt the case as he was bottling it all in- only the teacher this year recognised the subtle body language and adjusted his thinking accordingly.

I hope you are feeling a bit less drained. Take each day as it comes and see how you go and feel next week. Better to think on the decision as you know.
Take care,
Linda xx

Re: what do i do now

thanks linda
i have a meeting in school on monday so i am going to see how that goes before i make any final disions. The thing is with teacher is that she is supposed to there to support the students with emotional needs she is not one of the general teachers who proberly dont know j very much but this teacher knows what it has been like for the past 18 months, like you i feel that they think it is my fault i can hear it in her voice when i have to phone them. anyway i will see what monday brings have a good weekend