school refusers

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School Refusal
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hi posted on here a while ago so thought i had best update. our DS after 3 months of school refusal and further diagnosis to add to the asperger syndrome including school phobia - we took the decision to opt out and are now Home Edding him. the change in him is unbelievable. we will always have difficulties with him but taking school out the equation has left us with a little boy who wants to learn and do things.

unfortunatly his older brother who we have battled with for 2 yrs to prevent him from becoming a school refuser has won the fight he has not been in school for the last 11 days and is adament that he cant go back it is boring to slow and incredibly pointless he says - they apparently teach him nothing he can use to live an adult life. But would you believe in the two weeks since he stopped going he has started to sleep. Since starting high school just over 2 years ago he developed insomnia and puff just like that insomnia gone.

we cant believe that school has had such detremental effects on our boys, DS14 will be joining DS9 in the countries newest academy (our kitchen table lol).

thanks for the support you all offered in the early weeks of SD9 refusal it was invaluble - reading other stories and realising we had to make a decision to battle on or to regain our lives. Home Edding i know is not an option for many but we hope it will continue to transform our boys lives. xx

Re: up date

How wonderful to hear your story. Thank you for sharing - it is always nice to know what happens to those who disappear for awhile on the forum! Do you think with your son that it was because school was every day that the problem was constantly there? Do you think he still has anxiety or do you believe his anxiety stemmed from school?
Unfortunately I can't home school but it is certainly worth considering alternatives if the situation gets any worse. Again - thanks for sharing - have a lovely christmas and feel free to drop by the forum any time as some who are not sure whether to home school or not might benefit from your experience.
All the best for the future,

Re: up date

They will always have anxiety, but it is more controllable in a situation that doesnt cause other issues. part of Ds9 trouble is sensory he is particularly sensitive to noise and crowds - the classroom will never suit.
our older lad also gets very distressed when others get into trouble - he can not cope with teachers shouting even if it not at him. there have been times when i have had to tell the school to change his teacher because of the sound of there voice, we have to be careful ourselves over voice tones with him.

all in all school for both the boys brings too much anxiety, if they are to stand any chance of living a productive adult life then removing school was really our only option - for us the problems dont go away but they are certainly more contained. and no more homework fights!!!!

good luck to everyone i will check back from time to time x