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Do your SR s go out at all?

my daughter doesnt go anywhere - struggles to get out in the car to drive round the block

Re: Do your SR s go out at all?

I recollect reading about this in the forum some time ago. The child was diagnosed as being agoraphobic, as I recall.
Agoraphobia is not, as many people believe, just about open spaces. It is really a fear of being in any place or situation where the sufferer does not feel safe or where the sufferer feels trapped, and he/she is driven by an uncontrollable urge to escape to a place of safety which, in most cases, is his/her own home.(Source: - it is a good article)
Yes, my daughter went through a phase of not going out. Going on holiday was, for example, difficult for all us as a result. The problem is now persuading her to stay in, or at least return home at a reasonable hour, so she has the energy to cope with going to college.

Re: Do your SR s go out at all?

My son doesn't like to go anywhere. I have to drag him sometimes and at others he just stays home. In fact we just talked about this today as it is holidays but he won't go out - not even to the local shops or distant shops or anywhere. He originally had plans to go with me to the city but each day brings a new excuse. The psychiatrist told us that it was him not wanting to leave his comfort zone. He seems afraid to bump into anyone he might know but also the'what ifs?' are very strong. It does make life difficult apart from the SR!
So yes jezabel - some SR kids find it hard.

Re: Do your SR s go out at all?

Hi Jezebel,
My son would not go out of the house for along time apart from attending his appointments.What I was suggesting seemed too much for him to cope with. He asked after a while for me to take him out for drives in the evening( not getting out of the car ). This gave us the opportunity to have wee chats about how we were both coping and he knew he wouldn't bump into anyone. Before Christmas he started going back to a youth club close to us. It is small in numbers so again he feels safe there. However if they arrange any trips/ activities away then he doesn't attend. Each time he does something puts another wee smile on my face...just love him!
Take care,
love Lindy x

Re: Do your SR s go out at all?

No is the answer - my son went 9 months without going out at all - then we started to make small break throughs, and last summer he did quite well. As the nights started to draw in and friends weren't going out so much we reverted back to the same really. We do go out occassionally butnot often. I feel very torn as my youngest son is a really sociable person and loves going out - so if M doesn't want to go the pictures, McDonalds, family and friends then i feel awful just taking one of them, but i don't want his brother to suffer. Catch 22 !!

I am hoping that now he has contacted a few friends again via facebook then he may start to venture out again - we live in hope.

As Lindy says you love them to bits, and any small step forward to a huge bonus.

Hope you are OK, and keep your chin up ( hard i know !! )
Love Sar xx

Re: Do your SR s go out at all?

Lindy - I had to smile at the night rides as it has given me reassurance that all is ok. I thought it a bit odd when my son asked my just the other night (mind you with daylight saving here - to be dark was about 9.30pm) if we could just go for a drive. I didn't go out then but when I suggested a drive in the afternoon yesterday he would only go if I promised we were going no-where and he didn't have to get out! I am so glad to hear I am not the only one with this kind of thing as I am not sure how much to push it or not. Sounds like we did the right thing going for our drive yesterday. It was quite pleasant and yes - I did get a chance to talk about many things and so did he.

Re: Do your SR s go out at all?

hI Linda,
It may seem strange to others, our evening drives, but for my son to step out of the house at all was such a big effort. when he first suggested going out I said I would drive to the ends of the earth if he needed me to!!
Its again just listening to them as to what they can deal with and observing how they cope for the next time .
Enjoy the drives ...they are precious moments.
Take care,
love Lindy x