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Another blow

Well, i thought things were getting easier, just a little, but today is going to be hard. My son absolutley and utterly loves animals and we have a variety of cats, hamsters and rats - yes right Dr Doolittle at our house. He cares so much for them, and the rats are his favourites what pampered rats they are !! I have an appointment at the vets at 4.30pm today as one of them is very poorly and i don't think they will be able to do anything for him so it looks like i will have to be cruel to be kind and i am so worried about the consequences he will be absolutley heart broken. I know people say horrible things, but they are lovely creatures and have been a real comfort to my son when times have been hard.
Just wish he could have a little bit of good luck every now and then.

I hope and pray for a miracle, not just for him for for ratty.

Sarah xx

Re: Another blow

Oh dear, Sarah. He could do without this. I hope it turns out ok but hopefully if not, that your son is able to deal with this. It might be a good learning curve for him to know that he can deal with it?
Has he got photos of the rat? Can you put together a little digital slide show of memories if it comes to that? Or get him to do that?
We've got two dogs - not sure I am quite into rats as the wild kind seem to get into my roof and have parties up there!
Good luck,

Re: Another blow

sorry to hear about your son's pet. Have been there. We love animals in our home. My daughter has gathered quite a few stray cats in her time, those that have stayed, we have neutered and keep. Threy're lovely!
It's always sad to lose a pet. Hope your son copes ok, and hope ratty is fine.


Re: Another blow

Ratty lives to tell the tale - ooooh we are not out of the woods yet, a week of antibiotics and if no better then we have to have him put to sleep - so here's hoping they work. My son was very sensible about it all really and asked the vet if he was in pain or suffering, so if the worst comes to the worst he will be better prepared. ME - i came out crying !!

S x