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School Refusal
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Hello Everbody.... Havent been on here for a long time.... but the situation is still the same, we have good days, bad day, good weeks and bad weeks.... Mmy son George is 13 always had a few problems with school, but as soon as he went to secondary, it got Bad and i mean really bad..... George has been refered to a nurtring( dont know wEATHER i have spelt that right, he has to go to another town for this , he gets picked up in a taxi, he hates going..... since he has been going, the school asked me if george could be tested for autisum!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said YES, i dont want him to be labled but I NEED and WANT to understand him... The week before Half term George didnt attend school, and has not been the last 2 days.... I Have the bloody ewd women comming out on friday to see me as George had had the last 5 mondays of school, becasue of his Science teacher who Geroge seems to think that he picks on him, the school know about this, they r meant to be getting a meeting for George and this teacher together to talk LOL will it work!!!!!!! And I am still wating for the meeting!!!!! I could go on and on and on... so many stories.... Will it ge better!!!!!!!!!!! : 0 ( : o (

Re: Autisum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hi Sam,

SR kids can sometimes seem to have traits of autism - and may well be at one end of the spectrum. Getting t test might put a name to it but as you say - you still have the issues but you might at least have a better idea of how to deal with them if he does have traits?

How were the teachers at your son's school informed of his disorder? I am just wondering how a teacher can still have an issue with your son. Do they really know the facts about School Refusal? Perhaps you could put together some documentation from researchers (find on Internet) or from resources here on the site and give a copy to each teacher?

Not all the teachers at the Primary school understood my son - despite me giving them info but I think that was they were constantly told by the principal that the main thing was he had to come to school. So they never focused or refused to - on how he might need to be treated when there.

However -a t the high school - with the welfare coordinator telling them all- it has made a world of difference. So I just wonder who is doing the telling and if they are passing on the right information and the need for sometimes making allowances for our children.

You can only show your son how much you love him and that you are working on this together so that he doesn't feel so isolated. Keep seeking the help.... CBT if you can find someone who does that -
Read up about it yourself if you can (library or search on-line) as you may find some of the suggestions help you too.

The good thing is your son is still trying. If you have good and bad mixed in together - that is a positive. I know it doesn't sound like much but my son went through that for years. It is terribly unsettling and it really does drain your energy - so I do feel for you.
But you can't go on like that indefinitely! You need the support. Are camhs forthcoming with a psychologist. What is the nurturing (?) centre?
Take care,
Linda xx