school refusers

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Happier days

Hello everybody. It is a long time since I have been on this site but I just thought I should tell you what has been happening with my son. I used to post quite regularly and read all your posts, which really helped keep my sanity (thank you). I moved my son to a different school just before Easter last year after a particularly bad day at his previous school (and their usual lack of care). I actually pulled him out of that school that day and he was six weeks without a school, but things were so bad we just couldn't face it any more. After applying to his new school, and having to go to appeal he was offered a place. To say our lives have been transformed is an understatement, he is so much happier. He still has some days when he just cannot face it and his anxiety level are too high, but they are so few now that I refuse to worry about them. When he does have them the school are so understanding and they made it very clear to him when he started that they care about him, that he is so much more relaxed. I just thought I should let you know, just in case anybody else is trying to make the decision to move school. It may not be for every child, but if you really reach rock bottom with the school you are at it might be the right move for you and your child.

I wish you all well and hope that this may offer some hope and comfort to you.


Re: Happier days

Anne - that is wonderful and well done to you all. It would be appreciated if you stay in touch and give other parents support.

Sarah x

Re: Happier days

Hi Anne,
That's all any of us would ever wish for....a little understanding.....knowing that they care. Thank you for sharing .
love Lindy

Re: Happier days

hi Anne,

Lovely to hear your update. It makes a world of difference if the school understand. Why can't all schools be like that!? It must have been a big decision for you but has paid off.
Stay in touch - as Sarah has mentioned - you might be able to help others.
All the best-