school refusers

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School Refusal
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Another wee step !

Hi all,
After not being at school for a full year my son has started an alternative education provision unit this week. It is a phased start in which he has chosen the hours himself to see what would work for him. I am so proud that he has had the strength to go into the building and actually come out chatting about what he has done.
I am aware that he was a grammar school student set to take 10 G.C.S.E s and I have set that aside as I now have the hope that his confidence and self esteem will grow and he will see that there are no boundaries as to what he can achieve and no time limit in which to achieve them .
Take care,
Love Lindy x

Re: Another wee step !


Thats great news, every step our children take is a huge acheivement, well done to both of u.

Take care
Dorothy x

Re: Another wee step !

Lindy, that is great news, I hope it goes well for him.

Re: Another wee step !

Lindy, that is really good to hear. And it must have been hard for you to come to the realisation that you have - but it really does sound like just the right attitude to help your son. Let us know how things continue.
All the best,
Linda x