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Yet another SR

I've just been out to see yet another family who have a SR, and his mum is at her wits end as she just doesn't know who to turn to for support. Her son's attendance isn't too bad, but he has admitted being bullied due to being a little over weight, but they are so frightened to admit this to the school incase it gets even worse. After a good hour of talking and listening i hope i helped her feel better and have pointed her in the hopefully right direction for support - what worries me is this support isn't being offered as a matter of course to children with attendance issues, she felt totally lost and didn't realise SR is a major problem, and that she wasn't on her own. Good luck Rebecca.

Re: Yet another SR

Hi Sarah,

I am sure you really did help her - even just by understanding and let her know she was not alone. This reminds me, however, how I have felt I wanted to reach out to other families suffering from this but never know where to find them.
I don't think schools ever think to put us in touch with others or if they do perhaps they think it steps over privacy issues.
We can only do like you have, and reach out when you hear of someone. Was it someone from your school?
Take care,