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Local support groups

Hi Everyone i'm new here, but my problems are not.

I have an eleven year old son who has had problems for some years and has not attended school since January.

I really thought i was alone in my situation, and finding this site has been a breath of fresh air

I have been looking for local support groups or similar in Northamptonshire if anyone can advise.


Re: Local support groups

hi Nicki

Welcome. So sorry to hear you have been having trouble for years and thing have come to a standstill since january. It sounds like my story. WE are here for you!
Perhaps check out your local council and see what they can recommend? Here is their site with info for parents.


Re: Local support groups

Hi Nicki

Glad you have found us - and like Linda said we are herer to support you. I live in Staffordshire and i have never found a support group, but to be honest not really looked or tought about it. I do know however that CAMHS have lists of support groups for children with a variety of problems so if you are in contact with them then it may be worth asking and great link Linda you are a star as always.

Also Parent Partership - i know i keep going on about them, but i rememeber a couple of years ago when they first got involved in our case they mentioned support for families and in particular siblings as they are so affected by families with mental health issues and they are associated with another charity that take siblings out for days to give them a break from it - i know my youngest must have suffered through all his brothers problems and think only now i am realising it. In the first few months you think you are alone, the only family going through it and that is so hard. You blame yourselves for what has happenend because you don't know any other. So anyway give them a call and see if they know of any groups.

Sending you lots of love and stay strong

Sarah xx

Re: Local support groups

Thank you Sarah and Linda

I sat reading through many posts the other day when i stumbled across this site accidently, and despite it bringing a few tears to my eyes it was also like a massive burden had been lifted to know that what i am experiencing is not unique, although by the reaction of the 'experts' involved in my sons case i have for a long time thought it was me.

I spoke some time ago to parent partnership and although i was on the phone nearly an hour, he could not offer any real advice, everything he suggested has been tried time and time again

The parent support worker at the school is the person that actually reported me to EWO, but it has back fired on the school, because i have provided lists of dates when they have asked me to not send my son because they have activities arranged which my son will not engage in, so they cant cope.
The EWO has actually been the most supportive person so far, they are not all bad. He has assured me that he will not take action against me, because its a medical condition my son has and despite being 'out of his remit' has offered to contact the psychiatrist at CAMHS ahead of my appointment with her next week in the hope that it may help.
I am currently looking at the option of private tutoring as his school have said he wil either need to repeat a year or go to a specialist unit and not transfer to senior school with the 2 friends he does have, and i know this will only stress him out more, again the EWO was supporting him staying in mainstream and moving to seniors with additional support.


Re: Local support groups

Hi Nicki

I wish everyone had our office of Parent Partnership i really do. To be fair they can only offer so much advise, but what i did find good was the support during meetings etc as they also attended and supported me 100%.

Is your school not offering 5 hours per week home tutor ?? This is something you need to look into - as correct me if i am wrong they have a duty of care to educate your son, but again your EWO may be able to help there.

Sorry it's not much help.

Sarah xx