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Friends of Jack Burright Forum
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Liar liar

You are such a liar. And you remove posts that are anti-you. Get out of town.

Re: Liar liar

Joy, I appreciate your opinion on the matter but I would suggest that you not rush into judgement. We need to wait until all of the facts are out on this issue before passing judgement. We must remember that the Gazette-times is in the business of "selling" newspapers - end of story; and not necessarily printing the exact facts.

Burright deserves due process just like every citizen. Calling him a "liar" and asking him to get out of town is not going to accomplish anything except satisfying your ego. It's childish and rude.

I think it's very interesting that in today's paper Jim Swinyard says that he has known about this for over a year. Over a year? If this was such a pressing issue why did he wait a year? And why did he wait until AFTER the filing date to make this public?


Re: Liar liar

I don't believe that Jack has ever lied about his educational background to any of his employers. It sounds to me like the press and the current administration are attempting to dirty Jack's reputation. The artlicles printed in the Gazette Times are some of the most blatently biased "reporting" I have ever read. They are attempting to make a mountain out of a mole hill, and crucify him for a possible incomplete application.

I have had the opportunity to get to know Jack over the last several month's and I am behind him 100%. Jack is in this race for all the right reasons. He is an honest, straight forward and sincere person. It pains me to see that some reporters have opted to sensationalize the current situation and paint a tainted picture of Jack. If it was their intention to hurt somebody, I do believe that they caused a sting. However Jack is a strong person and hopefully knows that he has an incredible amount of support. I do believe he will prevail.