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Simpson Supporters Maturity....

I come into the store this morning and find that someone has spit all over my front window right where my Burright for Sheriff sign is posted. I can only assume that it was one of Simpson's supporters.....

I'm thinking about getting a DNA test done on the spit!!!

I'm really disappointed in Jack's opponent. She was obviously threatened or none of the current situation would have happend.

Tim Smith
Desert Rat Surplus

Re: Simpson Supporters Maturity....

I meant to say she FELT threatened in that snetence.


Re: Simpson Supporters Maturity....

Tim, this situation is completely sad for everyone involved. I feel sad for the Burright family and all they have to endure. I completely agree with your view on this. Simpson obviously felt threatened about Burright's chances of winning this election and decided too lower herself and use "dirty politics" in order to get what she wants.

I am thankful that Burright never lowered his standards and resorted to dirty politics in his campaign. Whether or not Burright intentionally marked he had completed High School or not is in my opinion not an issue. The application to the state academy occured in 1991, 15 years ago. A lot of good has happened since then. Also, 15 years ago getting a GED was not as acceptable as it is today. A GED meant you were a "loser" or a high school drop out - a term that had a lot of stigma attached to it back in the late 80's. How embarassing could that be? Getting your high school sweet heart pregnant and having to drop out of school to support your new child?

He was in his early 20's when he started applying for police positions. People make mistakes when they are in the early 20's... Including police officers. They are human like everyone else. Humans will be humans. I don't believe he had the "intent" to deceive anyone. Was he ashamed? Scared? Or was there an intent to deceive someone. I don't believe the latter but only Burright can answer that for sure.

As far as the Farington University Degree goes, I myself have been victim on such false advertising. I was also looking at taking online classes and found various websites that offered college credit for work experience and training. This was two years ago and no where in their advertising did they mention they were not an accredited university. It's only assumed that they were! Burright did not use the degree to gain any promotion or further his career. My only question is did Burright ever learn that the Degree was issued from a non-accredited insitution and if he did learn that why he didn't withdraw his degree from his personnel file. Again only Burright can answer that for sure.

My point is; Burright will make a fine Sheriff for Benton County. He is the victim of a polical move and the gazette-times is taking full advantage of smearing the Burright name. It's a shame and I often wonder how Diana Simpson can sleep at night. How can she walk into the Benton County Sheriff's Office every morning and look into the deputies eyes?

I feel sorry for those deputies and I only hope they can make it through this tough situation with their heads held high.

I will still be voting for Jack Burright for Sheriff!

Brett Jackson