Friends of Jack Burright Forum

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Friends of Jack Burright Forum
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Are you all really that ignorant?

I like Jack Burright, I just don't like how he let his ego take him down a road of lies where none where needed. He needs to find another job and hold his head high because he brought this all on himself. Yes Jack, you screwed up but your not a bad person just unsure exactly how you thought you could continue to stretch the truth and not get caught.

Jack Burright getting caught up in some lies about his education is only the tip of the iceberg I'm thinking. The morons ranting/raving about conspiracies and all that need to realize people aren't all stupid.

You started a bunch of crap that wasn't needed. Yes, after meeting/listening to people speak about Simpson you made too much stuff up. Female? Parole background? Not being from Patrol? I think this had more validity to why so many negative things came out from you guy's during the beginning. Jack more than likely would have won and you all would have had opportunities to promote your career under his realm. You got dirty, you got dumb and now your dealing with some self inflicted garbage.

Some guy's suing the county, opening their mouths and bashing who will more than likely be the next Sheriff are living in lala land. They really should be worrying about thier own issues if ever faced with an investigation. I've heard of some of you cheating on your spouses, sleeping with informants/witnesses/co-workers, drinking and driving drunk regularly, drinking and being ignornant in your use of words/actions, threatening certain dirt bags and using county resources for various "non-work" related things.

I'm just a voter, imagine someone deciding to bring an investigation into this department??? Maybe even taking it upon themselves to observe your on/off duty activities? The truth is somewhere in the middle and under some polygraph testing I'd bet several of you would be seriously concerned. Your all flipping dumb bringing so much attention yourself.

Re: Are you all really that ignorant?

Duh! LEts see, all the attacks against Simpson are coming from the same group of thugs. No wonder people are asking for this department to get a look into things! I see the same names writing to the GT I see on this webpage. All the letters attack Simpson and say Mr. Burright didn't know what he was doing. That is the funniest thing I've ever heard. If you know Jack, you know how full of crap he can be and you know he knew exactly what he was doing.

I can't wait to hear people asking for their cases to be reviewed. Going to lie about a black belt degree wonder if you'd lie about a case? Crazy stuff.

Too funny, keep up the show for us boys!!!

Re: Are you all really that ignorant?

These guys must have been the two cops that voted against backing Burright in that union meeting a few months ago!


Re: Are you all really that ignorant?

If this department is so bad why didn't Swinyard do something about it during his five years as Sheriff. Just an observation. Thanks.

Re: Are you all really that ignorant?

The only "attacking" I've seen has been from the Simpson camp, Sheriff Jim Swinyard and the Gazette Times. Yes, supporters of Jack have written letters but the attacks and witch hunt tactics have all come from the three mentioned groups. There's no way Simpson will get my vote, I will write in Jack's name though. Too bad the citizens of Benton County don't know the whole truth, they'd sure change their tune!

Re: Are you all really that ignorant?

No, I don't think Jack Burright is ignorant. I think he used poor judgement. The ignorance lies with the people that point blame. Jack Burright is the one to blame. He chose to mislead employers on his application. In all my years of applying for jobs, I never once had to think about how to answer the question about graduation.