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DECOLORES!!! Cursillista Web Forum Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!
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Re: Change: No more Youth Cursillos

After looking at Randy's comment on youth cursillos, I would like to make the following insights and observations. From the very beginning in Spain, the cursillo was basically for the youth to begin with. For the church saw the need to do something apostolically due to the secularization at that time. That was well over 45 years ago. And look at the shape of the world today. If I remember as best I can, then the cursillo was to move into the area of women. In one of Bishop Hervas' books it is stated by him that the cursillo is also for men! I have often thought with all this talk about originality and authenticity that why not go back to that. That is the youth. We know for a fact that many young men and women have highly considered or have gone to seminaries and convents for a possible vocation calling started by going to the cursillo. I am not saying doing away with the men and women's cursillo. Let me sight two examples for the continuation of youth cursillos even though the numbers are not what WE want. They are Fr. Mike Champagne and Sister Dana Gonzales. Their is also another nun at Mother Angelicas convent and I cannot recall her name. She is the daughter of Rudy Wax from BR. There is another over at the Benedictine monastery at Prairie Ronde. Just think how powerful of a movement if all we sponsored youth between say 16 to 25 years of age. And I am sure there are more youth that we do not know about. Let the National do away with the youth. We can sponsor them and send them to the men and women's Cursillo. For many youth attended the men or womens cursillo before there was one created by Fr. Frey!

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Replying to Original Article:

Lou Robbio says the youth cursillo should be no different than the Mens or Womens Cursillo and should be eliminated.