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DECOLORES!!! Cursillista Web Forum Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!


DECOLORES!!! Cursillista Web Forum Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!
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Re: Specials

I cannot fathom why something that has worked so well in Cursillo

is not in favor with the National group and is facing dissolution.

We have only one leader and wasn't he consoled at Gesthemane by

the specials. In CHRIST always, JC 322 St. Paul, St. Rita's

Parish, Catahoula

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Replying to Original Article:

Imagine this happening,or it really has happened. You are driving down the highway and see a person on side of road that needs help. You almost stop but proceed on and you wish you would have stopped to help. This happens to you several times in your life. Finally, Jesus bids you come home. At your particular judgement with Jesus and Mary, Jesus shows you the times you did not stop to help that person and asks why. You make some excuse or try to. And Jesus simply asks you a question.

Why did you not reach out to MY angel? Are we going to cry 'My Lord you deceived me'. Now share you spiritual insights on these special people for the weekend. Let us pray for Lou and all others.