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Vision of the Movement by Tom Sarg of National: Part 2


During the summer of 1999 at the National Conference, Tom Sarg and Lou Rubbio of National presented or at least answered questions concerning the new 3 Day Manual. I don’t know if anyone has seen such a manual. I know I have not.

Tom Sarg also presented a talk on his Vision of the Movement. The whole talk is presented in two parts in the ULTREYA Magazine. The first is presented in the October/November 1999 issue and the second part in the December/January 2000 issue. It is my goal to provide some informative excerpts form the document. Hopefully I will not slant the intent or full message of the message too far in any one direction. As you will be able to see, Mr. Sarg has some good things to say.

In the second part, printed in the December/January 2000 issue of Ultreya, Mr. Sarg continues with his visions and goals for the Cursillo movement and how National fits in the process.

Sarg: During the next three years the National Staff will have as its top priority, the task of developing a unified Cursillo Movement throughout this country. If there is one word that stands our at the top of my list of priorities for the future of the Cursillo Movement, it would have to be unification. Many of you would be surprised at the number of times that we hear about cursillistas from one diocese moving to another diocese and saying ‘In our old diocese we did it this way.’ There is only one Christ, there is only one Cursillo Movement, and there is only one Cursillo Method. It will be the task of the National Staff to bring this statement to reality over the course of the next three years.” [ Comment: Please go to Randy’s Cursillo’s Web Forum and look under “Re: The Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement (FICM) (Method) and make your determination if Prairie Rhonde is following the correct Method]

Sarg: “Of course, this unification Movement will be in alignment with the worldwide Cursillo Movement and so to do that we need to continue our communications and relations with the Cursillo leaders of other countries.”

“The Cursillo Movement is about changing people and with that comes responsibility.”

“We must realize that if we offer a conversion experience during our 3-day method, then we must also expect a lifestyle change from each individual that received that conversion experience.. The majority of our efforts, in the Cursillo Movement, should be focused on assisting each and every person following that conversion process.” (Emphasis added). “For too long the closing of the Cursillo Weekends has been more like a closing of a relationship between the Cursillo Movement and the cursillista. The closing of the Cursillo Weekends should be a commencement of a new lifestyle. That is what we must aim to do. We must begin to be as diligent in dealing with the new cursillistas as we are in securing individuals for the Weekends.”

[Comment: Here Here. I agree! However, I do have one question. If the fourth day is so important, why close the fourth day leaders school? I understand this is a “suggestion” that maybe is being acted on!]

Sarg: “During the remainder of this year and all of 2000, the National Staff will be putting forth a concerted effort to work closely with the Coordinators and Service Team Members of each of our 12 regions. The purpose of this will be to assist to regional leadership in finding additional ways to serve each of the diocesan Cursillo Movements in this country.”

“During this same period, and especially during the year 2001, the National Staff will be working closely with the diocesan Cursillo Movements in order to help them better serve the cursillista that they now have and especially the cursillistas that they will have.”

“I have asked the National Secretariat to consider holding these National Encounters every year and discontinuing the Annual Reunions. … The National Secretariat has agreed with the request, and we will hold our next National Encounter in the summer of the year 2001.”

“As you know, we recently published the new Leaders’ Manual in both English and Spanish. … The National Staff has committed itself to continually striving to develop literature that will be helpful and easy to follow. Our next task is to development of a new Formation Program, which will assist all diocesan Movements understand what should take place during the Formation process leading up to the 3-Day Weekend. There is definitely no unification in that area at the present time.”

“And finally, we continue to work with our Christian brothers and sisters of other denominations in an effort to unify our efforts to help all understand what is fundamental for being a Christian. I ask you to pray for the National Staff as we continue with the process of dialogue and friendship.”

[Comment on unification: . I am for unification, but my definition appears to be different from what I read in this presentation. I get the feeling there is a push to do everything the same way in all Cursillo weekends and even in the 4th day, regardless of where the Cursillo presides, the culture or environment the diocesan Cursillo may in, or even the denomination. I for one am for a Catholic Cursillo for Catholics, using the method presented by our fathers with adaptations required due to cultural environments and issues of the present days. For example, one adaptation may be that the Cursillo (even Mass) in parts of Africa may use drums or tusks as horns in their musical celebrations while in this country we may use guitars and pianos. The method is the same; the essence is the same.]


The above are quoted excerpts from Tom Sarg made at the 1999 National Encounter at St. Leo College. Please read with open mind to best understand what is being said. Also realize the comments are my opinions, not necessarily those of our spiritual directors or other 3-Day or 4th Day Leaders. I am for unification, but my definition appears to be different from what I read in this presentation. I get the feeling there is a push to do everything the same way in all Cursillo weekends and even 4th day regardless of where the Cursillo presides, the cultures it is in, or even the denominations. I for one am for a Catholic Cursillo, using the method presented by our fathers with adaptations required due to cultural environments and issues of the present days. For example, one adaptation may be that the Cursillo (even Mass) in parts of Africa may use drums or tusks as horns in their musical celebrations while in this country we may use guitars and pianos. The method is the same; the essence is the same.

I will stop here and let others state their thoughts. Also I urge all of you who have access to the Ultreya magazine for Oct/Nov and Dec/Jan issues to read what Tom Sarg had to say.


Tommy Traylor, Cursillo 232, St. Matthews table, St. George Parish, Baton Rouge, La.