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Deformed front legs on newborn

I posted about 4 days ago about one of my new puppies having very strange front legs, almost crab claw like bends in them. He is doing well and thriving but they are not any better.
Has anyone every had anything like this and if so did it get better? Did you splint them? Did you put him down? The little guy is doing great but ...... It breaks my heart!
At this time I am making him use his front legs instead of propelling himslef around with his back legs and tucking his fronts under him like a seal. The limbs look like they are growing but still are bent.
Please anyone with any information please let me know. I am taking him to our vets tomorrow.. earliest we can get in and if he thinks we should take him up to the ortho vet we will but I am so sad about this little guy.

Re: Deformed front legs on newborn

So sorry about your pup but remember there is no reason to put him down, even if his legs are deformed there is always someone out there wanting a nice pet and people do have hearts for those special ones. Hope your vet can do something to help the poor little guy.

Re: Deformed front legs on newborn

Don't give up on him.

Check this out:

Might not be the same as yours, but those legs were pretty bent up!


Check out our live puppy cam at:
click on Candid Camera

Re: Re: Deformed front legs on newborn/update

Well I took him in this morning and we x-rayed him. His radius and ulna were not even close to forming a normal looking elbow in either leg. He was missing almost half of his radius in one leg. It was completely unconnected and sticking out. That was most of the knotty feeling in his legs. He would never have an elbow joint to support his front end.
Sadly the kindest thing was to put him down. Thank you to the people that did reply. I appreciated them.

Re: Re: Re: Deformed front legs on newborn/update


I didn't reply before because I didn't have any information to give you. I'm very sorry about the puppy though - sometimes the kindest thing to do is let them go, but it's never easy.

Re: Deformed front legs on newborn

Wow, that's interesting, though I'm really sorry to hear about the puppy. Did the vet have any idea what caused this type of deformity?

Re: Deformed front legs on newborn

I had a puppy a few years ago with the same condition as you discribe. I gave him to a friend who still has him. He still has funny feet, is a real good happy puppy.

Re: Re: Deformed front legs on newborn

Ihave a puppy born this morning with one front lobster looking leg about 1/4 inch long on left side..on right side a nub..I don't know what to do or wether there are oranizations out there to help..Do you know of any? if so please email me with any is your puppy doing?


Re: Deformed front legs on newborn

Sometimes Mother Nature takes a odd turn. I am so sorry you had to go through this. I think you made the correct choice.

Sorry for your loss.