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c-section date?

I need to schedual a c-section for my bitch. Here is all the information:
progesterone numers: all blood draws were about 9 am
bitch #1 Patty
Feb 12 0.2
Feb 16 0.8
Feb 19 2.2
Feb 21 4.5

she was bred on Feb 23 & 25 chilled semen
What date would you do a c-section based on this?
My calculations has her due April 24

Here is the catch: The above girl has very small litters (2-4)so I bred another bitch at the same time and she will go naturally. here are her numbers:
bitch #2 Fancy
Feb 12 0.7
Feb 16 1.1
Feb 19 2.4
Feb 21 8.0

she was bred naturally on Feb 21 & 23
I would like to be there for both the c-section and the natural - if I can not I will have a friend bring Patty in for the c-section.

Thank you.

Re: c-section date?

I like to wait until the temperature drops before going in for the section... Don't know if that helps you any.

Re: c-section date?

I would guess from your numbers the second bitch will go first by a day or two more likely two but wait till you have a temp drop and signs of prelabor before you bring your section girl in. You'd hate to section too early

Re: c-section date?

I would wait until her tempterature drops and she begins the first stages of labor, like nesting, panting etc.

Re: c-section date?

Based upon your numbers she ovulated on Feb 21st, putting her due date 63 days past ovulation, she should be ready to whelp on April 25th. Really breeding dates have nothing to due with the whelp date as they cannot be fertilized until the eggs are ripe. If you have access to same day progesterone testing, you are safe to section once her progesterone drops below 5.0 (I believe that is the number) It's a little confusing on the numbers to me because our repro vet has a human machine which is calibrated some different reflecting almost double the normal number. She looks for a drop below 10.0. If you do not have access, I probably would look for a temperature drop into the 98 range before doing a section.
On a planned section we have always scheduled a day before they were actually due which would be your date of 4/24.

Re: c-section date?

Looks like both girls had their LH surge on the same day. (2.0 approx). I have been told to plan 64-65-66 post LH. So, if you go with the 24th and hope the other girl waits til you get home?

Re: Re: c-section date?

Thank you all for youy replys. This happened almost the same way last year with these two girls and it all worked out fine. Patty had her litter on the 6th by schedualled c-section and Fancy had her litter on the 9th naturally. It looks a bit closer to me this time - I think that they both ovulated on the same day thus are due on the same day. I will call my Vet tomorrow but what I am thinking is that I will schedual a section for April 24 hoping that Fancy will wait so I can be with Patty too. I guess the worst case would be that I have to leave someone here to watch Fancy while I bring Patty in or have someone bring Patty in and I stay with Fancy. I will also be watching both girls for a temp drop - I will bring Patty in right a way if her temp drops before the schedualled delivery!

Re: Re: Re: c-section date?

Count 64 days from her LH rise (day she first hit 2.0 or better on progesterone) and you will not miss it by more than a day. I have not seen this fail yet.