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When to start longer walks

In the nice weather, I go about 3-4 times a week on a 3-4 mile walk. I have a 5 month old girl. I was wondering what age can you start long distance walking? I do not want to damage her joints. Also what is the best way to build up their endurance for a longer walk... I took one of my older girls (but not a senior) once and she only survived about 1 mile b/f fatigue.


Re: When to start longer walks

I wouldn't go any further than that until the puppy is 12 mo, and I'd shorten the walks now. IMO, for a 5 month puppy, 3-4 miles several times a week is way too much.

Experienced breeders will hopefully chime in on this.

Re: Re: When to start longer walks

Just had this question asked of me from one of my puppy buyers. Short walks until growth plates close. Swimming is better. Not even sure I would go the mile. Less is better.

Re: When to start longer walks

We live on 7 acres so with that age of a pup we might walk 5 acres which is probably little more then a 1/4 mile 2x a week. they can play and run through the tree plots bushs and trees and really get a work out on there own. Then we might ride down to the pond and swim a little. During the days we aren't walking. We don't combine it all together.
So far we haven't had joint problems.

Re: When to start longer walks

To be clear, you're talking about "distance" walking vs. a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood? LOL Because I know can take a puppy for a potty walk or leisurely leash walk and in an hour's time, NOT cover alot of ground!

My thoughts...
equate a 5 - 6 month old puppy's limitations as to weight bearing, impact or endurance to that of a 5 or 6 year old human child and use common sense... you year old child to be able to do what a 18 year old conditioned athlete could do?

Three months to seven months old is a critical growth period.

I would be concerned about jogging/trotting a puppy or immature young adult dog on paved road or sidewalks. I don't force any specific pace when walking a young dog. I like to stick to the fields and walk with a flexi-lead.... if they want to stop and sniff, zoom side to side, or doddle along, it's fine... it's some exercise but I kinda look at as good for mental health too. Usually at 6 months old, I might do 15 minutes twice a day. I don't get too concerned about how much ground we cover.

Re: When to start longer walks

".. you year old child to be able to do what a 18 year old conditioned athlete could do?"

Must have hit the back space. Of course meant to write you could expect a 5 or 6 year old child to do what an 18 year old could do.

Re: When to start longer walks

I give up, fingers are not cooperating. One last try... "COULDN'T expect...".

Re: When to start longer walks

Thanks.... oh no I didnt walk her that far, just didnt know when that would be appropraite. And please, I do not run or jog... just a nice fast walk

Re: Re: When to start longer walks

I do not run or jog... just a nice fast walk


Just bear in mind a "fast walk" will force a pup into a steady trot, and this will put too much pounding on developing joints especially if it's hard ground or pavement.

Re: When to start longer walks

I would be most concerned about the surface. If it's pavement or concrete, the walks need to be limited. On grass and other soft surfaces like paths through the woods, a pup can go a lot longer. If someone were to measure how far a pup runs/walks in a normal day - it would be a pretty long distance! (Doesn't it make you tired just watching?) I've watched 5 month old puppies run constantly in the yard with each other for an hour. That's got to be miles! A human walking at a reasonable stroll can cover 3-4 miles in an hour.