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tis the season

Speaking of walking dogs.... I was walking one through the fields last night. Supposedly ticks like knee high or higher brush/weeds/grass, so we walked a hay field which hasn't started growing yet, stayed away from path at the hedgerow. Made sure I had a jacket with cuffed sleeves, had hiking boots on, long pants, etc (probably should put rubber bands around the ankles). Only hands and face exposed, and darn it... don't you know seconds after I came in I felt something crawling on my hand and it was a deer tick!

My husband, who is an avid outdoorsman, says this is not a good sign. Remember not even two weeks ago we had 8" of snow!! DH and I think the problem is we're not getting long, cold winters year after year and the ticks aren't getting killed off.

I wonder what creature in nature is the tick's predator? Sure would be nice if there was away to encourage certain birds or what ever the tick's predator would be into the area. I know we put a bat house up to deter any mosquito problem, wonder if there's anything to deter the tick population.

So I have my Advantix for the dogs... what can I use on myself? I hate to stop our walks. We do twice daily "body" checks on ourselves when we'e been outside during the warmer weather, but I'd also like to have a repellant on since the ticks are evidently going to be worse than last year (in our estimation).

Re: tis the season

Oh, as far as repellants... should mention would like suggestions of something that doesn't have Deet. I know hubby sprays something on his over-clothes and jacket when going out in the woods scouting or videoing, but I'm thinking it either stinks bad or might be harmful to the dogs because he takes those clothes off before coming in the house.

I remember hearing about Avon Skin So Soft... does anyone find it really works?

Re: Re: tis the season

Never worked for me for mosquitos. If there is one within a mile it manages to find me.

Re: tis the season

I have heard that Pea Hens will eat ticks. However I would imagine that Labradors would eat the pea hens. (or at least try to!) LOL!

Re: tis the season

Are Pea Hens the same as Guinea Chickens??

Hmmm, interesting article from Penn State:
Deer-free areas may be haven for ticks, disease
Friday, September 1, 2006

Re: Re: tis the season

I don't know where the original poster is from but here in little Rhode Island we have the misfortune of having deer ticks all year long. At the Vet clinic we don't have day that goes by without diagnosing at least one case of one of the many tick bourne diseases. I keep Frontline on my dogs all year round and I use "Cutter" on my clothes when I'm out hiking or field training.

Re: Re: Re: tis the season

My brother in eastern PA has labradors and keeps both chickens and guineas. He has never had a problem with ticks or fleas due to the fowl, according to him. The fowl do get into his gardens if they are not fenced, but it's an easily fixed problem. The dogs can't seem to catch them, either. Somehow (I'm not sure how), he manages without having any fowl killed.

Re: tis the season

Melody I'm in north central PA. My husband goes in the woods alot and it's not uncommon with our milder Winters this past decade for him to find ticks on himself in November after having in the woods. It would be unusual to pick up a tick close to the house though in November. What is so unusual about last night is that one got on me so easily and I was avoiding all the areas where I'd normally (for our area) be most likely to pick up a tick.

One thing I have to do is start wearing light colored clothes so I can more easily see the ticks if they get on me, usually I'm out there in blue jeans. I guess stuffing your pant leg into your socks is supposed to help too, but I've heard some just put heavy rubber bands around their pant legs at the ankles.

Cutter and Off both have Deet, but I guess they're supposed to be the most effective tick repellant although you have to apply it a few times a day because it doesn't last all day.

Re: tis the season

We have active deer ticks year round in my part of Maryland. The only time I don't see them is when there is a snow cover, but as soon as the grass, leaves, & brush are exposed, the deer tick nymphs make their appearance.
There is a multi-fold problem with deer, ticks and birds. The deer eat the shrubbery and brush that provide habitat for many birds, thus forcing them out of the area...more deer, more deer ticks, fewer birds.