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grass pollen

Anyone else out there have a HIGH pollen count in their area that's bothering the dogs? Only two of our five are having itching red eyes, and a cough here and there....just wondering if anyone else's dogs show Springtime allergy symptoms. This is our first time with such a high pollen count in our area. We have a Vet appt. on Wednesday, but are there any home remedies to ease their red eyes and stuffy noses?

Re: grass pollen

I've already had to give my allegry prone boy benedryl. One 23mg tab works wonders.

Re: grass pollen

Do you give your dogs Omega? Both my husband and son have terrible allergies - a friend suggested Omega Complex (3&6) and they are so much better! Their doctor thinks I'm nuts since Omega is supposed to be good for the heart not allergies, but swear it's working. Maybe it would help the dogs??