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The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

Potomac - How did it become THE show?

Just wondering

Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

Ever since I have been breeding it has had the most wonderful array of dogs. Quite a show, for those who have never attented, and certainly one you must attend one day for sure.

Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

My understanding has been that they have always been careful to get the judges with the most wide-spread appeal, year after year.

In addition it's a good location for a specialty--not too far north, not too far south, and really within a 10hr drive of the better part of East of the Mississippi.

Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

Potomac is not about the judges. They could have Mickie Mouse and Popeye judge and everyone would still come.

Potomac is about the DOGS, shopping for stud dogs and seeing what they have produced. Chilled semen and the ability to send it all over the country and world has changed everything.

Potomac is about the PEOPLE. Seeing old friends and making new ones. Every year there are more and more parties. Potomac is also held at the perfect time of year. People have been stuck in their homes all winter and Potomac is the first outdoor Specialty of the season in the East and Mid West. People WANT to get out of their homes and socialize with other breeders.

Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

I believe that Potomac is one of those clubs that has been around for a long time, with a very active membership, most (or all) of whom are very well respected in the breed.

That, coupled with the factors already mentioned, created the foundation for a popular specialty. And over the years, it's just ... exploded.

Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

NOW, yes, probably for 2 or 3 years in a row, they could get Mickey & Popeye judging.

But Potomac wouldn't be what it is without what the club has consistantly DONE in the past--bring great judges, who do not judge faces and judge dogs properly.

Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

My first Potomac was 1987 (have only missed one) and back then it was known for the quality of the dogs that were out "East". Nobody cared who the judges were because with the quality of dogs being so exceptional, we all knew the judges had to be good. We wanted to see the DOGS! It really hasn't changed except the quality got better and better there and in other areas. Good for the breeders that make it happen! The great show committee doesn't hurt either, and you know who you are!!

Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

It evolved very naturally. The Potomac was the first eastern outdoor specialty of the year when everybody was itching to get out with their new puppies & other dogs. Their location is at the mid-point of the east coast, thus accessible to a huge area with tremendous population density. The LRPC always has put on a good show, but they have grown with the show in their vision & expertise. They have made absolutely outstanding use of their date and location advantages. I have to wonder how many other lab specialties clubs would have been up to the challenge.

Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

My first Potomac was in 1981 and the people who were the founders of the club were a very dedicated group. George Bragaw, Marilyn and Dick Reynolds, Beth Swiegart, Betty and Stephen Graham, David Schnare, Shirley and Jack Lentz, Wortley Ganoe, Debbie Kay and many many more. All of them put special time and effort into the forming of the Potomac Club. Then there was Sherry Jessup, Dorothea George, and still Marilyn Reynolds and Betty Graham. We had hot dogs, hamburgers and all of us brought food for a little hospitality and there was a banquet where the judges spoke and discussed their placements. Oh and I don't want to forget Connie Barton. It was a dog show but it was also a chance to make friends. I saw many of the old time dogs there and will never forget Ivan of Oaklea when he went BOB and, of course, my favorite of all times. Rainell's Dynasty. I liked to go there and everyone who ever came--came back and came back over and over again and more joined the happiness and it is what it is. There was Joan Macan, Gwen Broadley, Heather Wiles, Mary Roslin Williams and so on and so on. It seems that, nowadays, people have lost the roots and the foundation that we all started out with. When I go to the grounds, my memory goes back to when I first went and memories are good. Too much computerized living these days. This was a time to go out and play with your dog or dogs and have people judge them. It was most of all a pride thing. So it just didn't happen, it is like a history book and it unfolds each year and will continue. Now this Veterans Gala is the best. It showcases the breeders who must have done it right to be able to have veterans who are pretty much like they were when they were two and three years old. Most of all we are now honoring the Juniors. These are the new ones who will take over. Also I want to say that the Old Guard has given up the honor and the new, bright, young folks are doing a magnificent job. Have fun and leave your problems at home and come join for a few days of never forgotten fun.

Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

FV, I don't know who you are but if you have consistantly come to the Potomac in the last 10 years
then of course you would know that yes, the foreign judges do "face" judge. I can't tell you how many times the foreign judges have looked at My face before looking at my dog. But the FACES usually have absolutely gorgeous, high quality dogs so that's fine with me. Potomac judges have also done a poor job of judging, again same problem that can and does come up at other Specialties.

My point is this, in the last 10 to 15 years, Potomac judges are no better no worse than what we can find at the other big Specialties. And the other newer clubs are fast catching up in the quality of their judging panels. Potomac judging selection committee does not have a crystal ball nor do they possess any supreme knowledge that cannot be found in many other selection committees all across the country.

Potomac is not about the judges, just ask the competitors and long time exhibitors.

Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

Last year the Potomac LRC published a wonderful book , titled "Potomac The Dogs, The People, The Memories"

The book is fascinating... over 30 years of Potomac shows... and the section titled ~Potomac Memories and Reflections~ is a wonderful read about our friends, our dogs, and what it is that makes Potomac so special for each and everyone of us.

My hat is off to all the club members, past AND present who have made this happen for ALL of us.


Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

The book will be available for sale at the club table again this year. I will also have them at the seminar if anybody wants one.


Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

Buddy Voshell, crab cake salads and of course those beautiful dogs!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

Most of us go to spend time looking at what breeders are breeding and to mingle with old and new friends. Is this about WIN or is it about acting like an adult and look at the dogs you like. When we buy an entry we all want to win but that is only part of it. And, if you have so many bad years at our show, why you just stay at home and complain about the mailman or the druggist or the supermarket manager. It seems to me like some of you are p o'd all the time about one thing or another. Get a life and spare us the chance of meeting up with you. Ellie

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

To BUTT TUCK ET AL This last post from me was directed at you. Now you have someone to fight with. What is the name of your gang? Ellie

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

Ellie, you have misinterpreted my post and have assumed it was written with ill intentions. I am not interested in fighting with anyone. I am too old and too tired. I was merely trying to point out that the judges at Potomac are no better and no worse than other judging panels at other Specialties and that all club judging selection committees work hard trying to get a good panel together. And if anyone thinks the judges at Potomac don't have the same temptations as any other judge at any other Specialty, then by all means, keep your head in the sand. My post was done in reply to someone called FV that seems to think Potomac judges are a big reason for such high entries and I don't know anyone who actually cares about the Potomac judging panel as far as that being a consideration of whether to attend or not.

So if you are looking to argue that fact, it will have to be with someone else.

I should have remembered, if topics and opinions aren't completely neutral (and I am NOT talking about insulting or embarrassing a particular person as that is NOT acceptable) then dam the poster, let's all charge in for the fight.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

I will tell you what, you really have a silvcr tongue, when you want to smooth over. If you don't like the judges then stay the heck home. Don't try to smooth me over. I did not misinterpret anything you said. Just be careful who you trash that is judges, dogs or people. Ellie

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

All that someone wanted to know was how the Potomac got to be The show. I told them what I know about it and then up you come with they look at your face and dump your dog. And the judges aren't any better than all breed judges. And who said they were. If you donh't lke them, don't show under them.. It is as simple as that. ellie

Re: JILL????

What color is the new motorhome?? Just so I can find you there.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

"But Potomac wouldn't be what it is without what the club has consistantly DONE in the past--bring great judges, who do not judge faces and judge dogs properly."

Here you go Ellie, this was FV's second post. see the part where this person wrote judges do not face judge? I did not start that in my thread but if I have an opinion about what they wrote, I feel that I am entitled to express it. And since THEY brought up the subject of facing judging I am not out of line responding to it. I also NEVER wrote that Potomac judges were not better than all-breed judges. I wrote that they were not any better or any worse than any of the other judges that you find at other Specialties. To say that Potomac judges are better is INSULTING to all the other breeding judges, do you get that? I also gave recognition that other clubs are doing just as fine a job with their judging panels. Juding Potomac doesn't mean you are a "better" judge. Come on now Ellie, please actually read a post BEFORE you respond and assume there were nasty intentions behind it. You are very quick to judge posts, put words in people mouths and are just as quick to start slinging the insults as the other bullies on this forum. No wonder posters don't always want to use their name. Here is an example where a post gets completely turned around and then I have to justify my opinion and I shouldn't have to. You have the right to your memories and opinions just like I do mine, without having to defend them.

Also, the dumping of dogs was YOUR words NOT even close to mine. Don't put incorrect words on my posts and then start to scold me for YOUR words or because you can't read what I wrote. You have now contributed to the reason why people feel the need to stay anonymous on this forum. You just proved that any post can get turned around by anyone.

Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

When reading FV's comments (Fluttervale) consider the source. I wouldn't be suprised if she's never been to the show.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

"FV, I don't know who you are"

Don't see why that matters as you're hiding behind an alias. At least FV stands for something (Fluttervale, by the way. Google will give you more information, as my webpage is currently not paid for.)

What Potomac IS NOW is not the same thing as what made it that way, which seems to be the distinction that would clarify both sides of this discussion. And one does not need to attend a show to know about whether things are face judged or not--the results are out there for everyone to see.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

I had a few moments to google Fluttervale. No labrador website found but it did bring me to your profile on another breeder forum. Apparently you have only been involved with Labradors for 4 years and have not yet even ventured into the breed ring. I wish you success, many years of enjoyment with our breed and hope that one day you will be able to come to the Potomac. To comment on the Potomac show or say that one does not need to attend it to know how things are done or what goes on in the rings does not make sense to me. A little like saying you could predict the Oscar's Best Picture without seeing all the movies that were nominated. I think that once you have more time involved in the "breed" you may feel and see things differently.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

"Apparently you have only been involved with Labradors for 4 years and have not yet even ventured into the breed ring. I wish you success, many years of enjoyment with our breed and hope that one day you will be able to come to the Potomac. "

Without meaning to be snarky or picking a fight, I don't mean it that way, the only part of this that is true is your wishing my success. Just because information isn't on the Internet, or there is information out there, doesn't mean it's not true :)

And we still don't know who you are.

Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

it is the "breeder's national" is it not? it gets more entries than the national, and it is the place to see and be seen. the dogs, the veterans, the juniors. the best honoring of veterans, the best junior venue,
all we were, all we are, all we will be
of the labrador breed


Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

I think it's a combination of things. The age of the club and the concentration of great, extremely knowledgable people that influenced the breed, brought it about. In the 1990's when the "sky fell" - Potomac was diligent in continuing to bring in good (often foreign) judges that knew breed quality. Plus they moved the show to that location around that time. It was more convenient, and more people attended. The Breeders National was born.

I was reminiscing with a friend last year about her recently deceased dog, and she was recalling his winning the Hunting retriever class at the national one year. This same dog placed in a hunting retriever class at Potomac under Margie Cairns and I said that there was no comparison - Potomac was the better win. Judge, caliber of dogs etc. She should be honored she had such a dog and had such a judge that recognized that "something" in him.

Re: The Potomac - How did it become THE show?

I was once reminded by someone with many years in the breed that the whole world sees your dog at this show.