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How much is too much?

Someone on another list posted a question about "how much is too much" when it came to aggressive puppy "play." As I was reading the replies, I thought this Forum would be the perfect place to ask that question. I figure someone who had actual experience with "too much" would not be inclinced to advertise that fact on a forum where they could not be anonymous.

I think it is a very good question and it would be interesting to learn how much breeders think is acceptable and when they have to draw the line. What sorts of things do breeders do to discourage potentially "too rough" behavior?

Re: How much is too much?

Pups often growl while playing. You can tell it is getting out of hand when you see hackles going up. Then it must be stopped.

Re: How much is too much?

My 10 month old and her visiting brother or sister will really go at it. But I can tell by the sound of the growling when it is getting out of hand and just yell "heyyyyyyyy" very loudly and they calm right down.

And they will growel like crazy when playing tug of war with a rope toy but I know it is not out of control. And their almost 4 year old mother joins right in.

Its their way of communicating. I just wish i knew what they were saying