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Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

I was at puppy play park yesterday and the owner of a German Shepard told me her dog had some kind of raccoon egg sac in his feces. He had been vomiting off and on, experiencing diahrrea off and on and just a little on the thin side. I am wondering what this could be - she was very vague and abviously hadn't written anything down while at the vets. She has given him all of his shots, wormed him etc. I asked her to get more definitive information from the vets but in lieu of that - do I need to worry because my dogs have been around her dog? Mine do not have any symptoms and are regularly fecal checked. She said the vet said it was rare...her dog was found running with a pack of feral dogs here in NM last year.Per haps he got the condition then? Anyone heard of this?

Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

Well to begin with, there IS no such thing as a Raccoon egg sac. Raccoons are mammals and only a few species of mammals, which live in Australia, lay eggs (platypus & echidna), neither of which lays an "egg sac."

Have no clue what it could be, besides that raccoon egg sac makes absolutely no sense.

Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

Does the raccoon peddle in on a unicycle, juggle, yodel and disappear upside down?

Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

Hi Yes I know...that is exactly what I thought, but that is what she said - raccoon egg sac. I was thinking it might be some kind of raccoon parasite egg sac? Does that make sense? I don't know much about raccoons (other than rabies) and we don't have many here. So????


Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

gee fv, what would we do without your ingenious insight into life. Where would we be without you?

Re: Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

"gee fv, what would we do without your ingenious insight into life. Where would we be without you?"

With or without me, my faith says that people who act like you turn up in purgatory.

Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

I believe there is a really nasty parasite that comes from raccoons. It think it is zoonotic as well and especially harmful to children. It is one of those worms where the lifecycle is such that the larval stages migrate through the body and does damage to critical tissue in the process. I don't know any more than that.

Re: Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

Did a google on this, this came up from the University of Minnesota site. Thank God we don't have wild racoons in Sweden!

"The raccoon carries a round worm called Baylisascaris causes NLM and is highly fatal. The infection has been seen in children and young adults who were exposed to raccoon feces. It is thought that the prevalence of the parasite in raccoons is very high so it is important to exercise caution around raccoons or their feces.


* Deworm puppies and kittens and also adult dogs and cats.
* Wash hands well after handling dog and cat feces.
* Keep sand boxes covered."

Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

"With or without me, my faith says that people who act like you turn up in purgatory."

My faith says that there's a special reserved section for the self-righteous in purgatory.

And now for something completely different...

Re: Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

Goodness, I thought all the religious folks would be in church today.

Happy Easter Sunday.

Let's let kindness prevail, today and beyond.

Re: Re: Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

The parasite the original poster is speaking of is "Raccoon Roundworm" It most likely was diagnosed by running a fecal floatation or complete fecal analysis at the vet. It can be treated with the appropriate wormer. Proper hand washing is very important when cleaning up after the infected pet.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

Boy, I'm glad I didn't know about this when I had pet raccoons as a teenager! Or maybe I should have- one of them slept in the bed with me. Of course, he was captured as a kit with still unopened eyes when someone chopped down his home tree by mistake, so maybe he hadn't had a chance to get infected yet. And BTW, even without considering the parasite issue, I don't recommend raccoons as pets. Even incorrigible counter surfer Labs (and I know about those, too) are less destructive! They may lift a leg on the Christmas tree, but they don't climb it and munch on the bubble lights.

Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

I think it can also be detected in a eye examine. I think a dewormer is interceptor. heart guard doesnnt work. I think my friend dog had it once. I dont remember her saying being contagious to humans.

Re: Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

It can be passed to humans...children are at high risk for infection from affected animals.

Re: Vague question/ raccoon egg sac?

Thanks all...I will pass this onto the owner. He is a nice rescue dog and she really tries to do the right thing.