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Kudos- gotta luv 'em

gotta luv those double titles, on both ends.

Congrats to Bonnie and Rowdy. Rowdy finished his Senior Hunter this past weekend. He is now :
SR CH RockyCreek Rowdy Thyme at Robnie SH WC WCX

WOW, impressive! Kudos for the dedication involved!

Re: Kudos- gotta luv 'em


Way to Go Bonnie & Rowdy! Well deserved kudos for a delightful boy!


Re: Kudos- gotta luv 'em

I too love those titles on both ends; especially when owner trained and handled

Re: Re: Kudos- gotta luv 'em

Do you give "E" for effort on the owner trained and handled too ?

These titles on both ends, give incentive to me, and keep my goals alive.

Right now, i'm looking into obedience with my boy, and will continue on the hunt test training with my girl. my boy took all my mistake training and i learned what NOT to do LOL. Even if i sought out professional training, I hope to get that "E" for effort for starting them to where the fine tuning is now needed. LOL.

Re: Kudos- gotta luv 'em

Thanks Tina!

It is not easy putting a Senior Hunter title on a Champion dog and it sure isn't for the faint hearted.

In my opinion, you either have the dog professionally trained or diligently train with professionals. Which is why I believe there are so few CH/SH/MH dogs currently alive.

I think in the future I will stick to working on WCX's - might be easier than shooting fish in a barrel.
